Past Events
As of March 2018, we now have a new and improved calendar system. The events listed below are those that occurred prior to this change. To view events that have passed since March of 2018, please go to Upcoming Events and use the navigation options on the top right corner of the calendar.
- January
- February
- March
Monthlong National Train Your Dog Month
Monthlong Walk Your Pet Month
2 National Pet Travel Safety Day
5 16th Annual National Bird Day
Born Free USA
5 11th Annnual Animal Law Reception at AALS
Animal Legal Defense Fund
San Diego, California, USA
7 MAC ATTACK - Zero Tolerance for Animal Testing
London, UK
8 National Animal Care & Humane Officer Training Module B
National Animal Care & Control Association
St. Riverside, California, USA
15 National Animal Care & Humane Officer Training Module A
National Animal Care & Control Association
Surprise, Arizona, USA
17-24 4th Minding Animals Conference
Minding Animals International
Mexico City, Mexico
18-20 2018 Global Forum for Food and Agriculture
Ministry of Food and Agriculture of Germany
Berlin, Germany
20 National Penguin Awareness Day
20-28 India Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
21 National Squirrel Appreciaion Day
22 Advanced Animal Cruelty Investigator Level 2
National Animal Cruelty Investigations School
Irving, Texas, USA
23 Euthanasia Workshop
National Animal Care & Control Association
Apache Junction, Arizona, USA
24 Chemical Immobilization Workshop
National Animal Care & Control Association
Apache Junction, Arizona, USA
25 Become Cats’ Most Powerful Advocate in 2018
Alley Cat Allies
Online Webinar
26-28 NPRPF Parrot Festival 2018
National Parrot Rescue & Prevention Foundation
Houston, Texas, USA
28 Turtle First Aid
Long Branch Nature Center
Arlington, Virginia, USA
1 Rise Up
Vegan Animal Rights Activist Network
Tar Heel, North Carolina, USA
2 World Wetlands Day
3 Canadian Bar Association Animal Law Conference
The Canadian Bar Association
Vancouver, Canada
3-7 VMX: Veterinary Meeting & Expo
The North American Veterinary Community
Orlando, Florida, USA
6-9 Expert Workshop on Marine Protected Areas and Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures for Achieving Aichi Biodiversity Target 11
Convention on Biological Diversity
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
9 Uproar: The Intersection of Animals & Law
University of Denver Sturm College of Law
Denver, Colorado, USA
10-11 Vegas Pet Expo
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
10-12 American Pets Alive! Conference
Austin Pets Alive!
Austin, Texas, USA
10-14 15th CDC International Symposium on Biosafety: Biosafety in the Era of One Health
The Eagleson Institute
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
10-18 9th Annual Hawaii Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
Hawaii, USA
11-17 Tellington Ttouch Method for Horses
Tellington Ttouch Training
Kailua Kona, Hawaii, USA
12 National Animal Control & Humane Officer Training Module A
National Animal Care & Control Association
Winter Haven, Florida, USA
13 No Time to Look Back: Legislative Outlook for Horses in 2018
Return to Freedom Sanctuary
Online Webinar
13 Collaborating for Conservation in China
Zoological Society of London
London, UK
13 Animal Film Festival Kick Off
Center for Animal Protection & Education
Sacremento, California, USA
16-18 Tellington Ttouch for Dogs
Tellington Ttouch Training
Covina, California, USA
17 World Pangolins Day
17 CAPE's 5th Animal Film Festival
Center for Animal Protection and Education
California, USA
17 Dr. Susan G Freidman: Living & Learning with Animals
Marin Humane
Novato, California, USA
17 The Red Envelope Fundraiser to End Dogs Being Eaten For Food Around the World
Duo Duo Project
Palo Alto, California, USA
18 World Whale Day
19 National Animal Control & Humane Officer Training Module B
National Animal Care & Control Association
Marrieta, Georgia, USA
20 IOWA: Lobby day for animals
IOWA voters for companion animals
Des Moines, Iowa, USA
20 141st Meeting of the Committee of Permanent Representatives
United Nations Environment Programme
Nairobi, Kenya, USA
20 Love Your Pet Day
20-23 Interagency Collaborative Animal Research Education Train The Trainer Institute
Interagency Collaborative Animal Research Education (ICARE) Project
Peachtree City, Georgia, USA
20-28 9th Annual Florida Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
Florida, USA
21 Handling Puppies & Kittens To Be Stress Free As Adults
Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association (HSVMA)
Online Webinar
22 National Wildlife Day
22 The Anti-Cruelty Society's Pour Your Heart Out
The Anti-Cruelty Society
Chicago, Illinios, USA
23 Animal Law and Criminal Punishment Academic Workshop
Harvard School of Law Animal Law & Policy Program
Cambridge, Massachusetts USA
23 Earth First! Winter Moot!
Earth First!
South Yorkshire, London, UK
23-24 18th Indian VET Congress
Indian Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Research
Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India
25-27 Congress on Controversies in Bovine Health, Industry & Economics
Tel Aviv, Israel
27 International Polar Bear Day
27 World Spay Day
27 2018 IACUC Regional Educational Conference
Northwest Association of Biomedical Research
Lynnwood, Washington, USA
27-28 Safeguarding space for nature and securing our future: developing a post-2020 strategy
Zoological Society of London
London, UK
There are no events to display.
Read MorePast Events 2017
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
Month-long Veganuary
2 National Pet Travel Safety Day
5 National Bird Day
Born Free USA
6 ALDF Animal Law Reception at Association of American Law Schools Annual Meeting
Animal Legal Defense Fund
San Francisco, California, USA
10 Save the Eagles Day
14 Albert Schweitzer's Birthday
16 Appreciate a Dragon Day
16 Dian Fossey's Birthday
16-20 FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for Africa
Nairobi, Kenya
20 National Penguin Awareness Day
21 National Squirrel Appreciation Day
21-29 8th Annual Hawaii Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
Hawaii, USA
24 Change a Companion Animal's Life Day
24-25 Rachel Carson on American Experience (Television)
Public Broadcasting Service (PBS)
USA - television and online
25 Animal Welfare Student Scholars’ Meeting 2016
Universities Federation for Animal Welfare (UFAW)
28 Rattlesnake Apprecation Day
24-30 World Week for the Abolition of Meat
27-29 Parrot Festival
National Parrot Rescue and Preservation Foundation
Houston, Texas, USA
28 Turtle First Aid
Parks and Recreation of Arlington, Virginia
Arlington, Virginia, USA
30 Indonesian Primate Day
31 Indiana Humane Lobby Day 2017
Humane Society of the United States
Indianapolis, Indiana USA
Monthlong Responsible Pet Owners Month
1 Arizona Humane Lobby Day 2017
Humane Society of the United States
Phoenix, Arizona, USA
1 Minnesota Humane Lobby Day 2017
Humane Society of the United States
St. Paul, Minnesota USA
1 Blood Lions Film Screening
American University Washington College of Law
Washington, D.C., USA
2 Webinar: Wild News: Sensationalism, Critical Thinking, and Modern Media
The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals
2 Bioethics and Advanced Care of Companion Animals: Reflections from a Palliative Care Veterinarian
Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine Center for Animals and Public Policy
North Grafton, Massachusetts, USA
4-8 The NAVC Veterinary Conference 2017
North American Veterinary Community
Orlando, Florida
5 National Coalition on Violence Against Animals Coalition (NCOVAA) Meeting (Contact for registration details This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..)
Washington, D.C., USA
7 Utah Humane Lobby Day 2017
Humane Society of the United States
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
8-9 Lush Summit
Lush Cosmetics
London, UK
9 Montana Humane Lobby Day 2017
Humane Society of the United States
Helena, Montana, USA
9 New Hampshire Humane Lobby Day 2017
Humane Society of the United States
Concord, New Hampshire, USA
9-11 Food Security—Understanding the Role of Animal Health & Well-Being
American Veterinary Medical Association
Washington, D.C., USA
10 Hawaii Humane Lobby Day 2017
Humane Society of the United States
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
14 Georgia Humane Lobby Day 2017
Humane Society of the United States
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
14 333rd session: Establishing the Commission Expert Group 'Platform on Animal Welfare'
The European Parliament's Intergroup on the Welfare and Conservation of Animals
Strasbourg, France
15 Helping Cats in Your Community Webinar
Alley Cat Allies
17 Animal Law Review's Sixth Annual Symposium: Animal Experimentation: Current Welfare Policy, Socio-Legal Implications, and Avenues for Reform
Lewis and Clark Law School
Portland, Oregon, USA
17-19 St. Francis Alliance February Retreat
St. Francis Alliance: Faithful Voices for Animals
White Post, Virginia, USA
18 World Whale Day
20 Love Your Pet Day
22 Maryland Humane Lobby Day 2017
Humane Society of the United States
Annapolis, Maryland, USA
22 "Animals and the Courts" Event with Jonathan Lovvorn
Animal Studies Initiative New York University
New York, New York, USA
22-23 AWIC Workshop: Meeting the Information Requirements of the Animal Welfare Act
Beltsville, Maryland, USA
24 Animal Welfare at the Intersection of Politics, Profits, Policy and People
Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine Center for Animals and Public Policy
North Grafton, Massachusetts, USA
24-25 The “I Am NOT an Animal!” Symposium
Earth in Transition
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
27 National Polar Bear Day
February 27 - March 3 Animal Law Week
Harvard Student Animal Legal Defense Fund
Boston, Massachussetts, USA
February 27 - March 3 Animal Law Week
Harvard Student Animal Legal Defense Fund
Boston, Massachussetts, USA
1 Vermont Humane Lobby Day 2017
Humane Society of the United States
Montpelier, Vermont, USA
1 National Pig Day
1 National Horse Protection Day
2 Iowa Humane Lobby Day 2017
Humane Society of the United States
Des Moines, Iowa, USA
3 Iowa World Wildlife Day
United Nations
4 Understanding Human Behavior Change and Communication Skills
The Horse Trust and Human Behaviour Change for Animal Welfare
Buckinghamshire, UK
5 Colorado Humane Lobby Day 2017
Humane Society of the United States and the Humane League
Denver, Colorado, USA
5-11 National Aardvark Week
6-10 National Wildlife Week
7 Rhode Island Humane Lobby Day 2017
Humane Society of the United States
Providence, Rhode Island, USA
9 Kansas Humane Lobby Day 2017
Humane Society of the United States
Topeka, Kansas, USA
10-11 Climate Action Conference
New York University
New York, New York, USA
11-12 The ICAWAHMS 2017 : 19th International Conference on Animal Welfare and Advanced Herd Management Strategies
World Academy of Science, Engineering & Technology
Dubai, UAE
11 International Women's Day
12-14 "California Animal Care Conference"
State Humane Association of California
Sacramento, California, USA
13 Nebraska Humane Lobby Day 2017
Humane Society of the United States
Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
14 2017 Animal Law & Enforcement/Animal Shelter Symposium
Animal Law Source
Atlanta, Georgia
14 Save a Spider Day
15 Buzzard Day
18 Awakening Compassion Demo
We Are the Numbers
London, UK
18 California Animal Symposium 2017: Marine Life
Golden Gate University School of Law
San Francisco, California, USA
18 Creature Conference
London, UK
19-21 PRIM&R's 2017 IACUC Conference
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
20-21 Global Forum for innovations in agriculture
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
20 Meatout
Farm Animal Rights Movement
20 Animals As Legal Persons?
Student Animal Law Association of Dalhousie
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
20 World Frog Day
20 World Sparrow Day
20 World Frog Day
22 International Day of the Seal
22-26 Living with Animals
Eastern Kentucky University
Richmond, Kentucky, USA
23 Guest Speaker: ALDF Litigation Fellow Sarah Hanneken
SALDF at Indiana University School of Law
Bloomington, Indiana, USA
24-26 Ivy League Vegan Conference
Harvard University
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
24-26 The Community of Creation: Expanding the Circle of Compassion
Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre
Birmingham, UK
25 Empathy Day
25 Unlocking the Cage – Edinburgh Film Screening
Edinburgh Filmhouse
Edinburgh, Scotland
25 Wildlife Conservation Expo
Wildlife Conservation Network
Houston, Texas, USA
28 Respect Cats Day
28-29 Animal Law in the U.S. and Beyond: Challenges and Opportunities in the Era of Trump
Center for Animal Law Studies at Lewis and Clark School of Law
Johannesburg, South Africa
29 Manatee Appreciation Day
29 Nonhuman Primate Symposium: Practical Solutions to Welfare Challenges
USDA Center for Animal Welfare
Kansas City, Missouri, USA
30 Vermont Law School SALDF Captive Wildlife Symposium
Vermont Law School
South Royalton, Vermont, USA
30-31 Virginia Federation of Humane Societies Conference
Virginia Federation of Humane Societies
Charlottesville, Virginia, USA
31 Cesar Chavez Day
31 Northern Animals
University of Sheffield
Sheffield, UK
Monthlong Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month
Monthlong National Frog Month
1-9 8th Annual Alabama Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
Alabama, USA
3 Whose Job is it Anyway? Analyzing the Private Sector's Role in Species Conservation
American University Animal Law Society (Student Chapter of ALDF)
Washington, D.C., USA
5-7 Association of Professional Humane Educators Annual Conference
Association of Professional Humane Educators
Seattle, Washington, USA
6 Beaver Flow Devices for Managers
The Fur-Bearers
Online webinar
6 Human-Animal Encounters in Experimental Lab Science: Disentangling the Ethical from the Moral
Center for Animals and Public Policy, Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine
North Grafton, Massachusetts, USA
7 Texas Animal Law Institute
Texas Law Center
Austin, Texas
8-10 New England Federation of Humane Societies Annual Conference
New England Federation of Humane Societies
Springfield, Massachusetts, USA
11 National Pet Day
11-12 Dogs in Southern African Literatures
Stellenbosch University
South Africa
14 National Dolphin Day
16-22 National Environmental Education Week
17 More than Mere Property; Nix, Fessenden, and Newcomb’s Impact on Animals in Criminal
State Bar of Arizona Southern Regional Office
Tucson, Arizona, USA
20 Zoos: A Viable Cultural Institution or One Headed for Extinction?
New York City Bar Association
New York, New York, USA
20-21 42nd GS European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (EuFMD)
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Points of Light
Rome, Italy
21 Modern Meat: The Science and Culture of Meat Substitutes
Animal Studies Initiative New York University
New York, New York, USA
21 Interactive Dialogue of the General Assembly on Harmony With Nature
The United Nations
New York, New York, USA, but also broadcast at
21 The Science and Culture of Meat Substitutes
New York University Animal Studies Initiative
New York, New York, USA
22 Earth Day
22 Shropshire Rally Against The Badger Cull 2017
Shropshire, UK
22-24 Texas Unites for Animals
Texas Unites for Animals
Austin, Texas, USA
22-30 Kentucky Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
Kentucky, USA
23-29 National Volunteer Week
Points of Light
24-28 FAO Council
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Rome, Italy
25 World Penguin Day
25 Environmental Humanities: Vegan Living: Fashion, Food, and Fitness
New York University Animal Studies Initiative
New York, New York, USA
25 ECE Regional Forum on Sustainable Development (RFSD) 2017
The United Nations
Geneva, Switzerland/
25 Winona LaDuke: "Standing Rock & the 7th Generation: An Evonomics for Us All"
New York University
New York, New York, USA/
25-28 WADEM Congress on Disaster and Emergency Medicine 2017
Toronto, Canada
25-29 Kenya Veterinary Association (KVA) and Commonwealth Veterinary Association (CVA), Golden Jubilee Celebrations and International conference
Kenya Veterinary Association (KVA) and Commonwealth Veterinary Association (CVA)
Nairobi, Kenya
26 National Kids and Pets Day
26 Signal v Noise: Environmental Activism
Environmental Studies and Animal Studies Initiative of New York University
New York, New York, USA
26 Stray dog & feral cat populations in Europe: from culling to care
European Parliament
Brussels, Belgium
26-28 ECLAC: Forum of the Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean on Sustainable Development (LAC RFSD)
The United Nations
Mexico City, Mexico
27 Danielle Duffield: How to Effect Meaningful Change for Animals
University of Otago
Dunedin, New Zealand
28 Equine Welfare Conference
World Horse Welfare, The British Horse Society (BHS) Scotland, SSPCA, The Donkey Sanctuary and The Scottish Government
Fife, Scotland
28-29 Human Animal Interaction Conference 2017
Green Chimneys
Brewster, New York, USA
29 The Humane League Denver Gala
The Humane League
Denver, Colorado, USA
29 World Save the Frogs Day
Save the Frogs
29 World Veterinary Day
World Veterinary Association
29 The People's Climate March
Washington, D.C. USA (and other locations in solidarity)
29 Wildlife Conservation Expo
Wildlife Conservation Network
San Rafael, California, USA
29 Wildlife Conservation Expo
Wildlife Conservation Network
San Rafael, California, USA
29 World Day for Animals in Laboratories
Birmingham Animal Action
Birmingham, UK
30 National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day
1-5 4th Annual Symposium on Social Housing of Laboratory Animals
The Centers for Disease Control
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
2 The 2017 Voiceless Animal Law Lecture Series
Voiceless: the animal protection institute
3 The 2017 Voiceless Animal Law Lecture Series
Voiceless: the animal protection institute
4 The 2017 Voiceless Animal Law Lecture Series
Voiceless: the animal protection institute
8 The 2017 Voiceless Animal Law Lecture Series
Voiceless: the animal protection institute
9 The 2017 Voiceless Animal Law Lecture Series
Voiceless: the animal protection institute
10 The 2017 Voiceless Animal Law Lecture Series
Voiceless: the animal protection institute
11 The 2017 Voiceless Animal Law Lecture Series
Voiceless: the animal protection institute
3-5 ESCWA Regional Forum on Sustainable Development
The United Nations
Rabat, Morocco
4-6 Zoos and Aquariums as Welfare Centres: Ethical Dimensions and Global Commitment
Center for Zoo Animal Welfare
Royal Oak, Michigan, USA
5 Scientists Center for Animal Welfare IACUC Training Workshops
Scientists Center for Animal Welfare
College Park, Maryland, USA
5-7 The Rethinking Animals Summit
Thinking Animals United
New York, New York, USA
6 Rover Rescue Pet Show
Rover Rescue
Aurora, Illinois, USA
7 PuppyUp Madison
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
7-8 31st Arab Veterinary Conference
Egyptian Veterinary Medical Association
Giza, Egypt
7-10 8th International Conference on Emerging Zoonoses: Focusing on Emerging and Transboundary Infectiou Diseases"
American Humane Association
Manhattan, Kansas
7-13 Be Kind to Animals Week
American Humane Association
7-13 National Pet Week
9 Webinar: Assistance Animals: What You Need to Know
The American Bar Association
Online webinar
9 CFS Intersessional events on Nutrition: Investments for Healthy Food Systems
Food and Agriculture of the United Nations Committee on World Food Security
Rome, Italy and webcast
9-12 Animal Care Expo 2017
Humane Society of the United States
Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA
10-11 AWIC Workshop: Meeting the Information Requirements of the Animal Welfare Act
Beltsville, Maryland, USA
11-12 Workshop on Animal Agriculture from the Middle East to Asia
Harvard South Asia Institute
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
11-13 Human and Nonhuman Animals: Minds and Morals
ECOM Research Group
Mansfield, Connecticut, USA
13 National Animal Disaster Preparedness Day
13 International Migratory Bird Day
13-21 Texas Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
Texas, USA
16-19 JRC Summer School on Alternative Approaches for Risk assessment - The Path from Science to Protection of Human Health and the Environment
The European Union Reference Laboratory for Alternatives to Animal Testing
Ispra, Italy
16-19 ECA Regional Forum on Sustainable Development (RFSD)
The United Nations
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
17 Exploring Key Human Behavior Change Concepts and Frameworks
Human Behavior Change for Animal Welfare, the Brooke
London, UK
19 Deadline for submission of documents for the 29th meeting of the Animals Committee (AC29)
20 Animal Law Symposium 2017
Animal Legal Defense Fund
Los Angeles, California
20 The Vegan Society AGM
The Vegan Society
Bristol, UK
20-21 The Reducetarian Summit
The Reducetarian Foundation
New York, New York, USA
21 Dash for the Dogs
Animal House Shelter
Barrington, Illinois, USA
21-27 Animal Rhetorics
Indiana University
Bloomington, Indianan, USA
23 International Turtle Day
26 CFS Intersessional events on Nutrition: Impact Assessment of Policies to support Healthy Food Environment and Healthy Diets
Food and Agriculture of the United Nations Committee on World Food Security
Rome, Italy and webcast
May 27- June 4 Washington, DC Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
Washington, DC, USA
29 Endangered Species Day
US Fish and Wildlife Service
May 27 - June 4 Washington, DC Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
Washington, DC, USA
3 Cleveland VegFest
Cleveland Vegan Society
Cleveland, Ohio, USA
4 The 7th National Animal Rights Day
Our Planet. Theirs Too.
Seattle, Washington; Colorado Springs, Colorado; Los Angeles, California; Dallas, Texas; Miama, Florida; Cleveland, Ohio; Washington, DC; New York, New York; Albany, New York; Northampton, Massachusetts; USA
4 The 7th National Animal Rights Day
Our Planet. Theirs Too.
Toronto, Montreal, and Victoria, Canada
4 The 7th National Animal Rights Day
Our Planet. Theirs Too.
Frankfurt, Germany
4 The 7th National Animal Rights Day
Our Planet. Theirs Too.
New Delhi, India
4 The 7th National Animal Rights Day
Our Planet. Theirs Too.
Perth, Australia
4-7 Prairie States Animal Welfare Conference
Illinois Animal Welfare Federations
Bloomington, Illinois, USA
5 National Animal Care and Humane Officer Module A
National Coalition on Violence Against Animals
Columbus, Ohio, USA
5-9 The Ocean Conference
The United Nations
New York, New York, USA
10 Sea Shepherd Conservation Society 40th Anniversary Gala for the Oceans
Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
Beverly Hills, California, USA
12 National Animal Care and Humane Officer Module B
National Coalition on Violence Against Animals
Longmont, Colorado USA
14-17 "SAWA Management 2017 Conference"
Society of Animal Welfare Administrators
Long Beach, California, USA
17-25 Virginia Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
Virginia, USA
18 Deadline for registration of IGO and NGO observers for the 29th meeting of the Animals Committee (AC29)
18 Deadline for members to inform the Secretariat of their intention to participate in the 29th meeting of the Animals Committee (AC29)
20 Empathy, Animals, Film
European Society for Literature, Science and the Arts
Basil, Switzerland
20 Rethinking Sustainable Food Systems
White Rose Brussels
Brussels, Belgium
22-25 Human Animal Interconnections Conference
International Society for Anthrozoology
Davis, California, USA
June 24 - July 2 United Kingdom Week for the Animals
Animal World
United Kingdom
26 Professional Animal Cruelty Investigator (Level 1)
National Coalition on Violence Against Animals
Longmont, Colorado USA
27-29 Measuring animal welfare and applying scientific advances - Why is it still so difficult?
Universities Federation for Animal Welfare
Surrey, UK
29-30 Centre for Human Animal Studies 2017 Conference: Animals and Social Change
Edgehill University
Liverpool, UK
29-30 Welfare impacts of controlled atmosphere methods for stunning or killing animals
Universities Federation for Animal Welfare
Southern England, UK
June 24 - July 2 United Kingdom Week for the Animals
United Kingdom
1 California Summer Veg Fest
Wilde Dreams
San Jose, California, USA
1-2 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Minding Animals Germany
3-5 Animal Intersections - Australasian Animals Studies Conference
University of Adelaide
Adelaide, Australia
4-5 Africa-Asia Pacific Symposium on Strengthening Legal Frameworks to Combat Wildlife Crime
Bangkok, Thailand
5 "The New Law of Whaling" Press Conference
The Foreign Correspondent's Club of Japan
5-7 Regional Seminar for OIE National Focal Points on Wildlife
World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)
6 A global end to cosmetics animal testing – every country, every company, for every animal
European Parliament's Intergroup on the Welfare and Conservation of Animals
Strasbourg, France
8 Lessons from counselling: applying key principles of counselling to our HBC-minded work with clients
The Dogs Trust and Human Behaviour Change for Animal Welfare
Manchester, UK
8-16 North Carolina Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
North Carolina, USA
10-19 United Nations High Level Political Forum on the Sustainable Development Goals
The United Nations
New York, New York, USA
11-13 International Symposium for Equine Welfare and Wellness
Minds in Motion Education and Research Centre (MiMER)
Wartenberg-Rohrbach, Germany
12 Reaching those left furthest behind: Addressing hunger and poverty in protracted crises
Committee on Food Security
New York, New York, USA
13-15 Best Friends National Conference
Best Friends Animal Society
Atlantic City, New Jersey
13-16 Canadian Veterinary Medical Association Conference
Canadian Veterinary Medical Association
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada
14 Shark Awareness Day
15 Animal Community Talks: Animals & The Law
Animal Legal Defense Fund
Portland, Oregon
15-16 CFP Critical Animal Studies Oceania 2017: Forging Alliances and Intersections.
Institute for Critical Animal Studies
Melbourne, Australia
16 Animal Abuse, Trauma, and At-Risk Families: New Research and Resources for Juvenile and Family Court Judges
National Coalition on Violence Against Animals
Washington, DC, USA
18-21 8th International Conference on Wildlife Fertility Control
Humane Society of the United States
Washington, D.C, USA
18-21 Twenty-ninth meeting of the Animals Committee
Geneva, Switzerland
21-25 American Veterinary Medical Association Annual Conference
American Veterinary Medical Association
Indiannapolis, Indiana, USA
22-30 New Jersey Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
New Jersey, USA
23-26 Fourth Annual Oxford Animal Ethics Summer School: The Ethics of Fur
Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics
Oxford, UK
24 Professional Animal Cruelty Investigator (Level 1)
National Coalition on Violence Against Animals
Buxton, Maine, USA
28-30 ASPCA Cornell Maddie’s® Shelter Medicine Conference
Ithaca, New York, USA
July 29 - August 13 Africa Weeks for the Animals
Animal World USA
31 National Mutt Day
July 29 - August 13 Africa Weeks for the Animals
Animal World USA
3-6 Animal Rights National Conference 2017
Farm Animal Rights Movement
Washington, D.C., USA
4-8 All Creatures Great and Small Retreat
Herefordshire, UK
5-6 Oklahoma Pet Expo
Oklahoma City
American Museum of Tort Law
Winsted, Connecticut, USA
15 Litigation Strategies for Protecting Captive Wildlife
Animal Legal Defense Fund
Los Angeles, California, USA
17 14th Annual Animal Law Conference (Philadelphia, Simulcasts, Live Webcast)
The CLE Conference Center
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA and webcast
17-18 Third Annual Animal Law Summit: An International Perspective
Chicago Bar Association
Chicago, Illinois, USA
19 International Homeless Animals’ Day
International Society for Animal Rights
19-20 Austin Pet Expo
Austin, Texas, USA
19-20 Denver Pet Expo
Denver, Colorado, USA
19-17 Arkansas Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
Arkansas, USA
19-17 Washington Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
Washington, USA
20 Global Working Animal Day: Walk a Mile in My Shoes Challenge
Animal Aid Abroad
20-24 10th Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences.
Seattle, Washington, USA
25 An evening with Professor John Gluck - former primate scientist
Animals in Science Policy Institute and BC Foundation for Non-Animal Research
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
26 3rd Annual Hang 20 Surf Dog Classic
Furry Friends Adoption
Jupiter, Florida, USA
26 National Dog Day
27-31 33rd World Veterinary Congress
Incheon, Korea
29 Global Seminar on Animal Welfare
World Veterinary Association and World Animal Protection
Incheon, Korea
2 The Official Animal Rights March
London, UK
3-5 International Conference on Cultured Meat
Maastricht University
Maastricht, The Netherlands
5 Animal Law, Ethics and Legal Education Conference
Liverpool John Moores University and Association of Lawyers for Animal Welfare (ALAW)
Liverpool, UK
4-6 Catholic Concern for Animals’ Ecumenical Animal Welfare Retreat
Catholic Concern for Animals
Pershore, UK
5-8 7th International Conference on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group Level
Wageningen Centre for Animal Welfare and Adaptation
Wageningen, The Netherlands
6 “How do you want the law to define sentience so that it benefits people and animals?” Webinar with Dr lan A. Robertson
Global Animal Welfare Authority
9 Strut Your Mutt Portland
Best Friends Animal Society
Portland, Oregon, USA
September 9 - October 14 Strutt Your Mutt (various events, click for more detail)
Best Friends Animal Society
Various locations in the USA
10-12 Welfare Concepts and Assessent, and Zoo Animal Welfare
Courses on Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Law
Cambridge, UK
12-14 WAVMA’s 2017 Conference, Current Concepts in Aquaculture and Ornamental Fish Practice
World Aquatic Veterinary Medical Association
Tirgu Mures, Romania
13 Stop Live Transport: International Awareness Day
Compassion in World Farming
13 “The law has changed. What does this mean for animal welfare standards? A regulators perspective.” Webinar with Dr. Kate Litten
Global Animal Welfare Authority
13-16 Law and Companion Animal and Horse Welfare
Courses on Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Law
Cambridge, UK
14 Scientists Center for Animal Welfare IACUC Training Workshops
Scientists Center for Animal Welfare
New York, New York, USA
17 NEAVS Cruelty-Free Beauty Day at the Boston Local Food Festival
New England AntiVivisection Society (NEAVS)
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
18-20 Principles of Ethics in Relation to Animal Use
Courses on Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Law
Cambridge, UK
21 Science, Sustainability and the Future of Food (with CEO and Founder of Impossible Foods, Pat Brown)
Harvard University
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
21-22 Farm Animal Welfare
Courses on Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Law
Cambridge, UK
23-24 Operation Animal Freedom
Rescue K911
New Haven, Connecticut, USA
23-25 American Pets Alive! Conference
Austin Pets Alive
Austin, Texas, USA
24 Forever In My Heart Charity Gala
Forever In My Heart Jewelry, benefitting Animals Hope and Wellness Foundation
Middlebury, Connecticut, USA
26 Webinar with Jill Robinson, Founder & CEO, Animals Asia
New England Anti-Vivisection Society (NEAVS)
27 NEAVS Welcome Reception & Presentation featuring Jill Robinson, Founder/CEO of Animals Asia
New England Anti-Vivisection Society (NEAVS)
Newburyport, Massachusetts, USA
27-29 Colorado Animal Welfare Conference 2017
Colorado Federation of Animal Welfare Agencies
Black Hawk, Colorado, USA
28 Deadline for submission of documents for the 69th meeting of the Standing Committee (SC69)
September 23 - October 1 Tennessee Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
Tennessee, USA
According to the UN,
Read More September 9 - October 14 Strutt Your Mutt (various events, click for more detail)
Best Friends Animal Society
Various locations in the USA
September 23 - October 1 Tennessee Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
Tennessee, USA
Monthlong Adopt A Dog month
American Humane
Washington, DC, USA.
Monthlong National Animal Safety and Protection Month
1 World Vegetarian Day
North American Vegetarian Society
1-7 National Walk Your Dog Week
2-4 Africa Animal Welfare Conference - The Nexus between Animal Welfare, Environment and Development: Safeguarding Our Common Destiny
Africa Network for Animal Welfare (ANAW), UNEP, Republic of Kenya
Nairobi, Kenya
2-6 Course Advances in Feed Evaluation Sciences
Wageningen Academy
Wageningen, The Netherlands
4 Global Animal Law Lunch Talk by Professor Anne Peters
Michigan Law at University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
4 Feast of St. Francis
Catholic Climate Convenant
4 World Animal Day
Naturewatch Foundation
5 The Welfare of Confiscated Animals
Intergroup on the Welfare and Conservation of Animals
Strasbourg, France
5-6 Extinction Conference
Compassion in World Farming
London, UK
6 Animal Cruelty: Understanding Laws and Taking Action
Alley Cat Allies
Online Webinar
6 Book Signing with Photojournalist Jo-Anne McArthur
New England Anti-Vivisection Society
Newburyport, MA, USA
6 Join NEAVS and Jo-Anne McArthur for a Free Webinar
New England Anti-Vivisection Society
6-7 Working with Animals
Southampton, England, UK
6-8 MEGA Pet Adoption Event
First Coast No More Homeless Pets
Jacksonville, Florida, USA
6-8 First International Canine Science Conference
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ, USA
7 Global March for Elephants and Rhinos
7-15 Illinois Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
Illinois, USA
8 17th Annual Bow-Wows & Meows Pet Fair
Bow-Wows & Meows
Newhall, California, USA
8-13 Managing Animal Enrichment and Training Programs
Denver Zoo
Denver, CO, USA
9 Expert Animal Cruelty Investigator Training
National Animal Cruelty Investigations School
Loudoun, PA, USA
9-13 Animal Training Applications in Zoo and Aquarium Settings
Denver Zoo
Denver, CO, USA
9-13 Committee on World Food Security 44
Food and Agricultural Organisation
Rome, Italy
9-15 Conference & Training on Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine
Youth Association of Animal Science
Bandung/Bogor, Indonesia
11 Writing Animals: A Symposium
New York University Animal Studies Initiative
New York, New York, USA
11 "Treating the Sentient Animal" - A Veterinary Perspective
Global Animal Welfare Authority
12 "What changes for animal production industry with the sentient animal?"
Global Animal Welfare Authority
12 Collective Animal Cognition: A Theoritical Framework
University of California
UCLA, California, USA
13 Animal Legal Defense Fund’s First Annual Student Convention
Animal Legal Defense Fund
Portland, Oregon, USA
13 Food Innovation and the Law: Navigating the Next Frontier
Food Law Lab at Harvard Law School and the Resnick Program for Food Law & Policy at UCLA School of Law with support from the Animal Law & Policy Program at Harvard Law School
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
13-15 The Animal Law Conference
Center for Animal Law Studies at Lewis and Clark University and the Animal Legal Defense Fund
Portland, Oregon, USA
14 Kitten Care Workshop
The National Kitten Coalition and the Humane Society of Greater Dayton
Dayton, Ohio, USA
14 Workshop: Increasing Survival Rates of Rescued Kittens
The National Kitten Coalition and the Humane Society of Greater Dayton
Dayton, Ohio, USA
14 KittyCon Tampa Bay
St. Francis Society Animal Rescue
Tampa Bay, Florida, USA
14-22 New York Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
New York, USA
14 Wildlife Conservation Expo
Wildlife Conservation Network
San Francisco, California, USA
15-19 American Association for Laboratory Animal Science Annual Meeting
Austin, Texas, USA
16 Global Cat Day
Alley Cat Allies
16 World Food Day Ceremony
Food and Agricultural Organisation
16-19 9th International Conference on Antimicrobial Agents in Veterinary Medicine
Rome, Italy
17-20 European Aquaculture Society Conference
European Aquaculture Society
Dubrovnik, Croatia
18 2017 Symposium: Animal Shelter Law
Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section
Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA
18 NACA Training Conference
National Animal Care & Control Association
Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA
18 Animal Welfare and the Future of Ethical Trade
Euro Group for Animals
Brussels, Belgium
21 Reptile Awareness Day
21 Red Dog RACERS Charity Auction
Huber Heights, Ohio, USA
21 Woof Woof Walk
Pierce County Parks and Recreation Services
Spanaway, Washington, USA
21-29 Mississippi Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
Columbia, South Carolina, USA
21-29 South Carolina Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
Columbia, South Carolina, USA
21-22 Boston Veg Fest
Boston Vegetarian Society
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
21-22 Compassion Arts and Culture & Animals Festival
Culture and Animals Foundation
New York City, New York, USA
21-22 8th International Conference on Animal Health and Veterinary Medicine
Multiple Sponsors
Toronto, Canada
22-24 Great Lakes Animal Welfare Conference
Michigan Humane Society
Battle Creek, MI, USA
23 Advanced Animal Cruelty Investigator Training
National Animal Cruelty Investigations School
Aurora, IL, USA
23 NACHO Module A Training
National Animal Care & Control Association
Louisville, Kentucky, USA
25-27 International Conference on Biotechnology and Bioengineering
Lahore, Pakistan
26 Conferencia Animais e Dirieto
Sintra, Portugal
26 The Welfare of Equidae
Intergroup on the Welfare and Conservation of Animals
Strasbourg, France
Bahia, Brazil
26-28 The 5th European Conference for Critical Animal Studies
European Association for Critical Animal Studies
Lund, Sweden
29 National Cat Day
30-31 Asia-Pacific Food Forum
EAT Foundation
Jakarta, Indonesia
October 30 - November 1 Scientists Center for Animal Welfare Wildlife Conference: Meeting the Challenges of IACUC Oversight in Fish and Wildlife Research
Scientists Center for Animal Welfare
San Diego, California, USA
1-30 World Vegan Month
The Vegan Society
1-30 National Pet Cancer Awareness Month
1-30 National Pet Diabetes Month
1 World Vegan Day
The Vegan Society
1 Service Animals and the Law
Service Animals and the Law
Baltimore, Maryland, USA
1-2 AWIC Workshop: Meeting the Information Requirements of the Animal Welfare Act
Beltsville, Maryland, USA
2-4 2nd Annual Canadian Food Law & Policy Conference
University of Ottawa Faculty of Law
Ottawa, Canada
2 Understanding & Fighting Ag-Gag Laws
Animal Legal Defense Fund
Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
2 Public Meeting on EPA Plan to Promote Alternative Tests on Animals
National Institue of Environmental Health Sciences
Bethesda, Maryland, USA
3 One Health Day
One Health Commission
Various Events Worldwide
3 Animal Abuse Leadership Summit Education and Connection
Phoenix, Maryland, USA
4 Catholic Concern for Animals AGM 2017
Catholic Concern for Animals
London, UK
4 4th Annual UC Davis One Health Symposium
Students for One Health & UC Davis One Health Institute
Davis, California, USA
4 8th Annual Tampa Bay Veg Fest
Florida Voices for Animals
Tampa Bay, Florida, USA
3-5 Badger Trust Conference
The Badger Trust
4-11 West Indies Veterinary Conference
Ross University
St. Kitts, West Indies
5-11 Bird Health Awareness Week
United States Department of Agriculture
5-11 National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week
6 The National Animal Control and Humane Officer Training Academy Module C
National Animal Care & Control Association
Sanford, Florida, USA
6-9 30th Caribbean Veterinary Medical Association Conference 2017
Jamaica Veterinary Medical Association
8 Humane Lobbying: Using the Legislative Process on Behalf of Animals
Animal Legal Defense Fund
Chicago, Illinois, USA
10 Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for New Animal Law Clinic
South Texas College of Law Houston
Houston, Texas, USA
11 Animal Legal Defense Fund Animal Law Boot Camp
Animal Legal Defense Fund
11-12 Kerala Veterinary Science Congress 2017
Indian Veterinary Association
Ernakulam, Kerala, India
12-14 Society of Animal Welfare Administrators 2017 Annual Conference
The Society of Animal Welfare Administrators
Miami, Florida, USA
13 Professional Animal Control and Assessment
The National Animal Cruelty Investigation School
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
13 The National Animal Control and Humane Officer Training Academy Module B
The National Animal Care & Control Association
Leesburg, Virginia, USA
14 Litigation Strategies to Protect Animals
The Texas Tech University School of Law Student Animal Legal Defense Fund
Lubbock, Texas, USA
15 7th Annual Animal Cruelty Prosecution Conference
Association of Prosecuting Attorneys
Portland, Oregon, USA
15-17 7th National Animal Cruelty Conference of the Association of Prosecuting Attorneys
Association of Prosecuting Attorneys
Portland, Oregon, USA
15-17 International Technical Conference on Climate Change, Agriculture, Trade and Food Security
Food and Agriculture Organisation
Rome, Italy
16 Animal Welfare and Britain post Brexit: Opportunities and threats
European Parliament's Intergroup on Animal Welfare and Conservation of Animals
Strasbourg, France
16-17 London Vet Show
Royal Veterinary College
British Veterinary Association
London, UK
17 Animals and Emotions in History
Pet Histories
London, UK
17-18 Conference on Animal Consciousness
New York University
New York, NY, USA
20-24 2017 Compassionate Conservation Conference
University of Technology Sydney Centre for Compassionate Conservation
Sydney, Australia
21 Looking Forward: The Impact of Scientific Advancement on Animal Law in Canada
University of Toronto
Toronto, Canada
20-21 2nd International Conference and Expo on Vaccines and Vaccination
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
21 Thanksgiving Webinar
The Humane League
21-23 Fourth International Conference on Animal-Computer Interaction 2017
Minding Animals
Milton Keynes, UK
25 10th Anniversary Celebrations Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire Forest Education Network
Louborough University
Leicestershire, UK
25 Animal Interfaith Alliance AGM 2017
London, UK
November 25 - December 3 Georgia Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
Georgia, USA
27 The National Animal Control and Humane Officer Training Academy Module B
The National Animal Care & Control Association
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
28-30 Rearing Pigs with Intact Tails in Europe
European Commission
Online & Grange, Ireland
30-1 Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing Refinement Seminar
Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing
Baltimore, Maryland, USA
November 27 - December 1 69th meeting of the CITES Standing Committee
Geneva, Switzerland
30 World Horse Welfare Conference 2017: The Invisible Horse of the Future
World Horse Welfare
November 25 - December 3 Georgia Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
Georgia, USA
30-1 Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing Refinement Seminar
Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing
Baltimore, Maryland, USA
2 National Mutt Day
2-10 Arizona Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
Arizona, USA
2-10 Pennsylvania Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
Pennsylvania, USA
3-5 Asia for Animals
The Jane Goodall Institute Nepal
Kathmandu, Nepal
4 World Wildlife Conservation Day
4 Advanced Animal Cruelty Investigator Level 2
The National Animal Cruelty Investigations School
San Antonio, Texas, USA
3-6 3rd International Conference on Global Food Security
Cape Town, South Africa
4-5 Scientists Center for Animal Welfare Winter Conference
Scientists Center for Animal Welfare
San Antonio, Texas, USA
5-7 35th Tanzania Veterinary Association Scientific Conversation
Tanzania Veterinary Association
Arusha, Tanzania
8 Georgia Companion Animal Partnership Animal Welfare Conference
Georgia Companion Animal Partnership
Macon, Georgia, USA
11 The National Animal Control and Humane OfficerTraining Academy Module A
The Nation Animal Care & Control Association
Longmont, Colorado, USA
13 Animal Welfare Student Scholar's Meeting
Universities Federation of Animal Welfare
England, UK
13 National Day of the Horse
15 9th Animal CLE: Animal Law Practice Areas: Far and Wide
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
27 Visit the Sanctuary Day
Past Events 2016
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
Month-long Events:
Adopt a Rescued Bird Month
National Train Your Dog Month
2 National Pet Travel Safety Day
5 National Bird Day
Born Free USA
9 ALDF’s 9th Annual Animal Law Reception at AALS
Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF)
New York, New York, USA
9 Bull Riding Protest
Space Coast Animal Rights Action Team
Melbourne, Florida USA
9 Protest the Dallas Safari Club
Global March for Elephants & Rhinos: Houston!
Dallas, Texas, USA
10 Pet CPR and First Aid
San Gabriel, California, USA
11-15 66th Meeting of the CITES Standing Committee
Geneva, Switzerland
14 Alber Schweitzer's Birthday
20 National Penguin Awareness Day
21 National Squirrel Appreciation Day
21 Let’s Talk About Animal Law
Animal Legal Defense Fun (ALDF)
South Portland, Maine, USA
23 1st Annual Charlotte Co. Plant Based Nutrition Conference
The Food Pharmacy
Punta Gorda, Florida, USA
27-28 Regional CITES/Central America CITES/Wildlife Enforcement Network Coordination Meeting
Panama City, Panama,
27-29 5th Regional CAWEN/ ROAVIS Meeting, Panama City, Panama
Panama City, Panama
29-31 Parrot Festival
National Parrot Rescue and Preservation Foundation
Houston, Texas, USA
2 World Wetlands Day
RAMSAR Convention
4-6 Tellington TTouch Training for Companion Animals
Tellington TTouch Therapy
Pasadena, California
5 Professor Randall Abate leads a panel discussion: What Can Animal Law Learn From Environmental Law?
Bond University
Robina, Australia
5-6 IDEALaw Conference 2016: Nonhuman Animal Justice Panel
Schulich School of Law
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
7 National Coalition On Violence Against Animals 2016 Annual Meeting
National Coalition on Violence Against Animals
Washington, D.C., USA
10-12 National Shark Workshop
Karachi, Pakistan
12 Pre-Valentine's Day Puppy Store Protest
Space Coast Animal Rights Action Team
Melbourne, Florida, USA
12-13 Sharks AC1 - 1st Sharks MOU Advisory Committee Meeting
Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS)
San José, Costa Rica
14 National Pet Theft Awareness Day
Last Chance for Animals
15 The Women’s Movement, Animal Welfare, and Islamic Law: Constitutional Animal Protection in Egypt
Harvard Law School
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
15 World Pangolin Day
15-19 Sharks MOS2 - Second Meeting of the Signatories to the Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation of Migratory Sharks
Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS)
San José, Costa Rica
15-21 Harvard Animal Law Week
Harvard Law School
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
15-28 #NotJust4Easter
Space Coast Animal Rights Action Team
Online through social media
16 Legal Protections for Farmed Animal
Harvard Law School
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
17 Direct Democracy and Animal Protection
Harvard Law School
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
18 Animal Rights, Human Obligations
Harvard Law School
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
18 Harvard Workshop on Animals in Comparative Constitutional Law
Harvard Law School - Harvard Animal Law & Policy Program and Harvard Islamic Legal Studies Program
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
19 Book Talk: What can Animal Law Learn from Environmental Law?
Harvard Law School
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
19 Bull in a China Shop: Animals in the Workplace
Oregon State Bar Association
Tigard, Oregon, USA
19 Prosecuting Animal Abuse: Common Issues and Hot Topics
Harvard Law School
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
19 Taiji Action Day for Dolphins
London, UK
19-21 National Animal Law Competitions
Lewis and Clark Law School and Harvard Law School
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
20-28 Florida Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
Orlando, Florida, USA
21-22 National Conference on Alternatives to Animal Testing
Laureate Institute of Pharmacy
Himachal Pradesh, India
22-28 4th plenary session of Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
23 World Spay Day
Humane Society of the United States
24-26 2016 APHE National Humane Education Conference
Association of Professional Humane Educators
Charleston, South Carolina, USA
26-29 Wildlife in Crisis: An International Think Tank
Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica
26 February Webinar: "Officer, why did you shoot my dog?"
Association of Prosecuting Attorneys
27 2016 Wellington Equine Protection Benefit
Humane Society of the United States
Palm Beach, Florida, USA
27 3rd Annual Animal Film Festival
Center for Animal Protection and Education (CAPE)
Grass Valley, California, USA
27 Gulf Port's Get Rescued 12th Annual Pet Rescue Street Fair
Gulfport Merchant's Association
Gulfport, Florida, USA
27 Polar Bear Day
1 Farmed Animal Welfare: Changing Laws, Changing Public Perceptions and the Massachusetts Ballot Initiative
Tufts Center for Animals and Public Policy
North Grafton, Massachusetts, USA
1 Gagging Dissent: Ag Gag Laws and the First Amendment
Animal Legal Defense Fund at Texas Tech Law School
Lubbock, Texas, USA
1-3 International Conference on Wildlife Crime
The Hague, the Netherlands
2 Like Fish in a Barrel: Captive Hunting, Wildlife Law, and Conservation Impacts in Texas
The University of Texas Law School
Austin, Texas, USA
2 Endangered Species and Wildlife Trafficking
New York University
New York, New York, USA
3 World Wildlife Day: The Future of Wildlife Is in Our Hands
4 Illinois State Bar Association 7th Annual Animal Law Conference by the Animal Law Section
Illinois State Bar Association
Chicago, Illinois, USA
5-8 Animal Care Conference
California Animal Control Director's Association and State Humane Association of California
Long Beach, California, USA
8 Environmental Humanities: Food and Animals
New York University Center for the Humanities
New York, New York, USA
9-10 The Farm Animal Rescue of Mifflinburg Participates in Raise the Region 30 Hour On-line Fundraiser
Farm Animal Rescue of Mifflinburg
10-11 Florida Animal Control Association 2016 Conference
Florida Animal Control Assocation
Orlando, Florida, USA
9-11 Animal Biographies – Recovering Animal Selfhood through Interdisciplinary Narration?
Universität Kassel
11 5th Annual Animal Law Review Symposium - Crossing Borders: Animals & Business
Lewis and Clark Law School
Portland, Oregon, USA
11 Celebrating Animals/Confronting Cruelty: Miami! 2016 Gala
Humane Society of the United States
New York, New York, USA
11 Towards a Sustainable Food Policy
European Public Health Alliance
Brussels, Belgium
12 Human-Non-Human Networks
Human-Non-Human Networks
Chicago, Illinios, USA
13 Free Veterinary Care in San Lazaro
Fundacion A.Mar.Te.
Masaya, Nicaragua
15 Seminar on Animal Welfare 2016 - 2020 "Delivering Results"
Eurogroup for Animals
Streamed Online
17-20 Animal Cruelties
American Comparative Literary Association
17-18 Symposium on Social Housing of Laboratory Animals
John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Davis, California, USA
18-20 Ivy League Vegan Conference
Columbia University
New York, New York, USA
19 5th Annual Conscious Eating Conference
United Poultry Concerns
Berkeley, California, USA
20 Meatout
Farm Animal Protection Movement (FARM)
22 Environmental Humanities: Vegan Athletes
New York University Center for the Humanities
New York, New York, USA
23-25 2016 Annual Kentucky Animal Care and Control Association Conference
Kentucky Animal Care and Control Association
Louisville, Kentucky, USA
24 Exploitation of Wildlife
New York University School of Law
New York, New York, USA
March 26 - April 3 Alabama Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
Alabama, USA
25-27 Intersectional Justice: Towards a Whole Earth Community
Whidbey Institute
Clinton, Washington, USA
27 Pet CPR and First Aid Training
San Gabriel, California, USA
March 30 - April 2 2016 Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Conference
Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research
Bellevue, Washington, USA
31 Jane Goodall Guest Speaker at UT Austin
University of Texas and Texas Outdoor Woman's Network
Austin, Texas, USA
March 31 - April 2 Animal Behavior Conference
Indiana University
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
March 31 - April 2 2016 VFHS ANNUAL Conference
Virginia Federation of Humane Societies
Charlottesville, Virginia, USA
American Red Cross Pet First Aid Awareness Month
National Frog Month
March 26 - April 3 Alabama Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
Alabama, USA
March 31 - April 2 Animal Behavior Conference
Indiana University
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
2-10 North Carolina Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
Texas, USA
2-10 Texas Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
Texas, USA
3 Pet CPR & First Aid Training
San Gabriel, California, USA
5-6 Elephant Conference @ SOAS 2016
SOAS University of London
Bangalore, India
6 Living the Farm Sanctuary Life with Guest Speaker Gene Baur
The University of Texas Law School
Austin, Texas, USA
6 Mercy For Animals?
Harvard University
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
7 Seeing Seafood as Animals
New York University Animal Studies Initiative
New York, New York, USA
9-10 2016 IAABC Animal Behavior Conference
International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants
Anahiem, California USA
9-11 New England Federation of Humane Societies 71st Annual Conference
New England Federation of Humane Societies
Nashua, New Hampshire, USA
10 Party for the Animals Conference (Partij voor de Dieren)
Partij voor de Dieren
The Netherlands
10-16 National Pet ID Week
11 National Pet Day
12 Ag-gag Discussion with Matthew Liebman
New York University School of Law
New York, New York, USA
12-14 3rd Asia Ministerial Conference on Tiger Conservation
National Tiger Conservation Authority and Global Tiger Forum
New Delhi, India
12-14 Pan-American Conference for Alternative Methods
John Hopkins School of Public Health
Baltimore, Maryland, USA
13 Advocacy for Animals: Beyond the Law with Jasmin Singer & Mariann Sullivan
Student Animal Legal Defense Fund of The University of Texas School of Law and Our Hen House
Austin, Texas, USA
13-14 16th International Wildlife Law Conference
Stetson University
Gulfport, Florida, USA
14 323rd Session: Animal Transport and Cosmetics
The European Parliament's Intergroup on the Welfare and Conservation of Animals
Brussels, Belgium
14 National Dolphin Day
14 Search and Rescue Dogs: Veterinarians, the Rise of the Working Dog, and the Human-Animal Bond
Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine Center for Animals and Public Policy
North Grafton, Massachusetts, USA
15 Plastics, Water, Life & You: Contaminants of Emerging Concern & Water on Earth
University of Texas Law School
Austin, Texas, USA
16 Empathy Day 2016
16-19 National Animal Welfare Conference
Canadian Federation of Humane Societies
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
18-20 Evidence of Animal Minds: An Interdisciplinary Symposium
Durham University
Durham, North Carolina, USA
19 The Healing Power of Pets: Fact, Fiction or Somewhere In Between
Tufts Center for Animals and Public Policy
North Grafton, Massachusetts, USA
20 Worker Exploitation & Animal Abuse: An Intersectional Dialogue
University of Texas Law School
Austin, Texas, USA
21 An Evening with Steven Wise of the Nonhuman Rights Project
Vermont School of Law
South Royalton, Vermont, USA
21-22 Workshop "Zebrafish: Husbandry, Care and Welfare"
Fondazione Guido Bernardini and University College of London
London, UK
22 2016 Animal Law Institute
Animal Law Section of the State Bar of Texas
Austin, Texas, USA
22 Animal Rights and Human Slavery Analogy
New York University School of Law
New York, New York, USA
22 Earth Day
22-24 IVSA Animal Welfare Conference 2016
Utrecht, the Netherlands
April 23-May 1 Kentucky Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
Kentucky, USA
23-25 Texas Unites for Animals
Texas Unites
Austin, Texas, USA
24 World Day for Animals in Laboratories
Animal Aid and National Anti-Vivisection Society (UK)
24-30 World Week for Animals in Laboratories
25 World Penguin Day
26 National Kids and Pets Day
27 International Guide Dog Day
29-30 The Giants Club Summit
Space for Giants
Laikipia, Kenya
30 National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day
30 National Therapy Animal Day
Pet Partners
30 Save the Dogs
Nottingham Animal Rights
Nottingham, UK
30 Treats and Sweets Day
Pet Partners
30 World Veterinary Day
1-7 National Be Kind to Animals Week
National Humane Education Society
1-7 National Pet Week
American Veterinary Medical Society
4 Animal Law Lecture Series: Sydney
Voiceless the animal protection institute, University of Sydney
Sydney, Australia
4 International Respect for Chickens Day
United Poultry Concerns
5 Animal Law Lecture Series: Sydney
Voiceless the animal protection institute, Baker & McKenzie
Sydney, Australia
5 National Ferret Day
6 Animal Law Lecture Series: Hobart, Tasmania
Voiceless the animal protection institute, University of Tasmania
Hobart, Tasmania
7 Milwaukee Veg Expo
Citizens United for Animals
Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, USA
9 Animal Law Lecture Series: Melbourne
Voiceless the animal protection institute, University of Melbourne
Melbourne, Australia
10 Animal Law Lecture Series: Melbourne - 2nd Night
Voiceless the animal protection institute, University of Melbourne
Melbourne, Australia
10-16 HSUS Animal Care EXPO
The Humane Society of the United States
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
11 Animal Law Lecture Series: Canberra
Voiceless the animal protection institute, Australian National University
Canberra, Australia
12 Animal Law Lecture Series: Adelaide
Voiceless the animal protection institute, The University of Adelaide
Adelaide, Australia
12 Avoiding Compassion Fatigue
The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals
Online Webinar
13 Animal Law Lecture Series: Perth
Voiceless the animal protection institute, The University of Western Australia
Adelaide, Australia
12-13 Animal Agency: Language, Politics, Culture
University of Amsterdam
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
14 International Migratory Bird Day
Environment for the Americas
14 National Animal Disaster Preparedness Day
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
15-17 Assistance Dogs International Conference 2016
Assistance Dogs International
Prague, Czech Republic
16 Animal Law Lecture Series: Gold Coast
Voiceless the animal protection institute, Bond University
Robina, Australia
17 Animal Law Lecture Series: Brisbane
Voiceless the animal protection institute, Queensland University of Technology
Brisbane, Australia
17-23 National Dog Bite Prevention Week
American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)
19 Taking "Paws": Working with Survivors of Domestic Violence Who Have Service Animals
Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence
Columbia, Maryland, USA
20 Endangered Species Day
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
21 Animal Law Symposium 2016
Animal Legal Defense Fund
Los Angeles, California, USA
21-22 Sentience Conference: Effective Strategies to Reduce the Suffering of All Sentient Beings
Sentience Politics
Berlin, Germany
22-28 National Dog Bite Prevention Week
National Humane Education Society
23 International Turtle Day
23-27 20th Session of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (S20)
Indian Ocean Tuna Commission
La Reunion, France
25 Animals under Capitalism: Art and Politics
University of Bristol Institute for Advanced Studies
Bristol, UK
26 Coyote Families and Co-existence
The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals
Online Webinar
27 National Feral Cat Spay Day 2016
Alley Cat Rescue
May 28-June 5 Washington, D.C. Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
Washington, D.C., USA
Month-long Adopt-a-Cat Month
American Humane Association
May 28-June 5 Washington, D.C. Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
Washington, D.C., USA
2-3 The Ideal Animal – How Images of Animals and Animals Were Created
Universtiy of Kassel
Kassel, Germany
4 6th National Animal Rights Day - Montreal
The National Animal Rights Day
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
4 6th National Animal Rights Day - Toronto
The National Animal Rights Day
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
4 6th National Animal Rights Day - Victoria
The National Animal Rights Day
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
4 International Hug Your Cat Day
4 March to Close Down All Slaughterhouses in Adelaide
Animal Liberation South Australia
Adelaide, Australia
4 March to Close Down All Slaughterhouses in Lisbon
Movimento pela Abolição dos Matadouros
Lisbon, Portugal
4 March to Close Down All Slaughterhouses in Melbourne
March to Close Down All Slaughterhouses
Melbourne, Australia
4 March to Close Down All Slaughterhouses in Paris
Paris, France
4 March to Close Down All Slaughterhouses in Sydney
Animal Liberation NSW
Sydney, Australia
4-5 Dog Film Festival Los Angeles
Los Angeles, California, USA
5 6th National Animal Rights Day - Boston
The National Animal Rights Day
Boston, Massachussetts USA
5 6th National Animal Rights Day - Charlotte
The National Animal Rights Day
Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
5 6th National Animal Rights Day - Colorado Springs
The National Animal Rights Day
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
5 6th National Animal Rights Day - Dallas
The National Animal Rights Day
Dallas, Texas, USA
5 6th National Animal Rights Day - Los Angeles
The National Animal Rights Day
Los Angeles, California, USA
5 6th National Animal Rights Day - New York
The National Animal Rights Day
New York, New York, USA
5 6th National Animal Rights Day - Orlando
The National Animal Rights Day
Orlando, Florida, USA
5 6th National Animal Rights Day - San Francisco
The National Animal Rights Day
San Francisco, California, USA
5 6th National Animal Rights Day - Seattle
The National Animal Rights Day
Seattle, Washington, USA
5 6th National Animal Rights Day - Washington, D.C.
The National Animal Rights Day
Washington, D.C., USA
5 World Environment Day: Go Wild for Wildlife
United Nations Environment Programme
5-11 Pet Appreciation Week
6-8 Prairie States Animal Welfare Conference
Illinois Animal Welfare Federation
Detroit, Michigan USA
7-9 NAEAA 2016
National Association of Equine Affilitated Academics
Hackettstown, New Jersey, USA
8 World Oceans Day
The Ocean Project
9 325th Session: International Trade and Animal Welfare
The European Parliament's Intergroup on the Welfare and Conservation of Animals
Brussels, Belgium
9 Documenting Animal Cruelty and the Law
New York City Bar
New York, New York, USA
9 Empty the Tanks: Legal Strategies to Protect Orcas
Ida and Cecil Green Faculty Club, University of California
La Jolla, California, USA
11 6th National Animal Rights Day - Ottawa
The National Animal Rights Day
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
11 March to Close Down All Slaughterhouses in Auckland
Effective Non-Violence
Auckland, New Zealand
11 March to Close Down All Slaughterhouses in Bielefeld
Bielefeld, Germany
11 March to Close Down All Slaughterhouses in Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires, Argentina
11 March to Close Down All Slaughterhouses in Istanbul
Animal Liberation Press Office -Turkey
Istanbul, Turkey
11 March to Close Down All Slaughterhouses in Kassel
ARIWA Animal Rights Watch
Kassel, Germany
11 March to Close Down All Slaughterhouses in Los Angeles
March to Close Down All Slaughterhouses
Los Angeles, California, USA
11 Marche pour Lla Fermeture des Abattiors a Toronto
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
11 March to Close Down All Slaughterhouses in Tokyo
Animal Right Center
Tokyo, Japan
12 Marche pour Lla Fermeture des Abattiors a Bruxelles
Bite Back
Brussels, Belgium
12 World Pet Memorial Day
14 International Day of Action for Elephants in Zoos
15 The exotic pet trade and the EU, towards an EU regulation?
European Parliament
Brussels, Belgium
15-17 SAWA 2016 Management Conference
Society of Animal Welfare Administrators
Detroit, Michigan USA
16 Farming for the Future
Thinking Animals United
New York, New York, USA
16 Summit for the Animals
National Council for Animal Protection
Arlington, Virginia, USA
16-17 Ethical theories and the animal issue: between science and philosophy
University of Milan
Milan, Italy
17 Animal Law in Florida
The Florida Bar Continuing Legal Education Committee and the Animal Law Committee
Orlando, Florida, USA
17-20 Taking Action for Animals
The Humane Society of the United States
Washington, D.C., USA
18 Marche pour Lla Fermeture des Abattiors a Montreal
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
18 Pet CPR and First Aid Training
Pasadena, California, USA
19 Howl and Be Heard: A Benefit Concert
Animal Protection Voters of New Mexico
Santa Fe, New Mexico
20 16th International Conference on Production Diseases in Farm Animals (ICPD)
Wageningen UR & Utrecht University
Wageningen, The Netherlands
21-23 Decolonizing Critical Animal Studies, Cripping Critical Animal Studies
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
22 Animals pushed to the limits? Implications for welfare and ethics
Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International
London, UK
22 Intervening with Children who Witnessed or Engaged in Animal Abuse
Animals and Society Institute
Online webinar
22-24 2nd International Symposium of Veterinary Medicine (ISVM2016)
Scientific Institute of Veterinary Medicine of Serbia
Belgrade, Serbia
23 Recent Advances in Animal Welfare Science V
Universities Federation for Animal Welfare
York, UK
24 Take Your Dog to Work Day
24-26 MINDING ANIMALS Germany Symposium # 3
Erlangen, Germany
June 25 - July 2 National Badger Week
The Badger Trust
United Kingdom
June 25 - July 3 7th Annual United Kingdom Week for the Animals
United Kingdom
June 29 - July 1 Improving Experimental Approaches in Animal Biology: Implementing the 3Rs
Central London, UK
June 25 - July 2 National Badger Week
The Badger Trust
United Kingdom
June 25 - July 3 7th Annual United Kingdom Week for the Animals
United Kingdom
June 30 - July 1 Animal Mimeses: Intersections of Aesthetics and Anthropology
Ludwig-Maximillians Universitat
Munich, Germany
4-7 Multispecies panels at the Association of Social Anthropologists 2016
Durham, North Carolina, USA
5 57th Session of the Advisory Committee on Sustainable Forest-based Industries
Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
Sydney, Australia
5-7 Regional Seminar for OIE National Focal Points on Wildlife
World Organisation for Animal Health
6-7 Persons as Animals: Understanding the Animal Bases of Agency, Perceptual Knowledge and Thought
University of Leeds
Leeds, UK
6-8 9th Session of the Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
Rome, Italy
7 George Bernard Shaw's Birthday
7-10 2016 Canadian Veterinary Medical Association Convention
Canadian Veterinary Medical Association
Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
7-10 Animal Rights National Conference 2016
Farm Animal Rights Movement
Los Angeles, California, USA
7-10 International Society for Anthrozoology Conference
International Society for Anthrozoology
Barcelona, Spain
11-12 Animaladies
Human Animal Research Network, University of Sydney
Sydney, Australia
12-16 50th International Society for Applied Ethology International Congress
International Society for Applied Ethology
Edinburgh, Scotland
14 Shark Awareness Day
15 Pet Fire Safety Day
14-17 Best Friends National Conference
Best Friends Animal Society
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
15-17 Speak for Wolves
Speak for Wolves, numerous sponsors
West Yellowstone, Montana, USA
16-24 6th Annual New Jersey Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
New Jersey, USA
18-22 23rd Session of the Committee on Forestry
Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
Rome, Italy
21-24 Too Cute to Kill? From the Depiction of Animals in Children’s Literature to the Framing of Government Policy by Adults
Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Surrey
Guildford, UK
22-24 We'll Pay You $5 To Meet a Cow
Asha Sanctuary
Newfane, New York, USA
24-27 Summer School: The Ethics of Eating Animals
The Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics
Oxford, UK
26 Pet CPR & First Aid Training
Pasadena, California, USA
29 International Tiger Day
29-30 Conference on Animal Rights in Europe (CARE)
Open Cages
Warsaw, Poland
July 30-August 3 53rd Annual Conference of the Animal Behavior Society
Animal Behavior Society
Columbia, Missouri, USA
July 30 - August 14 7th Annual Africa Weeks for the Animals
Johannesberg, South Africa
31 KFC/McDonald's Factory Farming Protest
Schweitzer Institute
Brighton, East Sussex, UK
31 National Mutt Day
July 30-August 3 53rd Annual Conference of the Animal Behavior Society
Animal Behavior Society
Columbia, Missouri, USA
July 30 - August 14 7th Annual Africa Weeks for the Animals
Johannesberg, South Africa
1-5 Regional Joint Preparatory Meetings for CITES and Convention on Biological Diversity meetings of Conference of the Parties (Asia)
CITES & Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
Bangkok, Thailand
2-4 Animal Population Management 2016
Sarawak Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SSPCA)
Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
3-9 Seventh Meeting of the Regular Process for World Ocean Assessment
The United Nations Natural Resources Policy & Practice
New York, New York, USA
5-9 2016 AVMA Annual Convention
American Veterinary Medical Association
San Antonio, Texas, USA
6 March to Close Down All Slaughterhouses in Bern
Tier im fokus
Bern, Switzerland
12 2nd Annual Animal Law Summit: Hot Topics Across North America
Washington State Bar Association
Seattle, Washington, USA
12 International Symposium "Equine Sports Medicine" at Eurovet 2016
VetVital GmbH
Linz, Austria
7-13 International Assistance Dog Week
8-12 Regional Joint Preparatory Meetings for CITES and Convention on Biological Diversity meetings of Conference of the Parties (Africa)
CITES & Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
Africa (exact location to be determined)
10 World Lion Day
13-21 5th Annual Arizona Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
Arizona, USA
13-21 8th Annual Wisconsin Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
Wisconsin, USA
15-19 Regional Joint Preparatory Meetings for CITES and Convention on Biological Diversity meetings of Conference of the Parties (Pacific/Oceania)
CITES & Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
(exact location to be determined)
16-20 North American Ornithological Conference
Numerous Ornithological Groups
Washington, D.C., USA
19 International Orangutan Day
20-28 3rd Annual Washington Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
Washington, USA
22 National Bring Your Cat to the Vet Day
American Association of Feline Practitioners
22-26 Regional Joint Preparatory Meetings for CITES and Convention on Biological Diversity meetings of Conference of the Parties (Central and South America and the Caribbean / Latin America and the Caribbean)
CITES & Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
Antigua, Guatemala
23-26 Eighth International Conference on Antimicrobial Agents in Veterinary Medicine (AAVM)
Budapest, Hungary
24 Greyhound Remembrance 2016: 90 Years of Exploitation
CAGED North West
Manchester, UK
26 National Dog Day
27 World Day for the End of Speciesism
End of Speciesism
Marches to be organized in various countries
27-31 12th Conference of the European Wildlife Disease Association (EWDA)
European Wildlife Disease Association
Berlin, Germany
Month-long: National Disaster Preparedness Month
1 World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation
1 Species Reqiuem Day
1 International Awareness for the Dolphin Day
1 International Manatee Day
1-10 IUCN World Conservation Congress: Planet at the Crossroads
International Union for the Conservation of Nature
Hawai'i, USA
5-9 Animalia: Interdisciplinary Perspectives and Explorations
Oldenburg University
Oldneburg, Germany
8 Stopping Criminal Animal Cruelty
University of Irvine, CA
Irvine, California, USA
9 Wildlife and Endangered Species on Public and Private Lands
New Mexico Bar Association
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
9-11 Christians and Other Animals
Society for the Study of Christian Ethics (SSCE)
Edinburgh, UK
10 Animal Law Symposium
San Diego County Bar Association
San Diego, California, USA
7-11 AZA 2016 Annual Conference
Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA)
San Diego, California, USA
8-11 International Animal Rights Conference 2016
Save Animals Asbl
Esch, Luxembourg
11 National Pet Memorial Day
11-17 National Farm Animals Awareness Week
11-23 CAWSEL 2016
Course on Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Law
Cambridge, UK
12-16 9th International Wildlife Ranching Symposium
Windhoek, Namibia
12-16 12th Working Party on Ecosystems and Bycatch (WPEB12)
Indian Ocean Tuna Commission
12-17 Food: Shared Life - Beyond the Dish
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Milan
Milan, Italy
14-16 2016 Animal Cruelty Conference
The University of Texas Austin, Association of Prosecuting Attorneys
Austin, Texas, USA
17 777: Is it Really a Right to Farm?
Oklahoma University School of Law
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA
Berkeley, California, USA
17 Pet CPR & First Aid Training
Pasadena, California, USA
17 Puppy Mill Awareness Day
17-25 12th Annual Tennessee Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
Memphis, Tennessee, USA
19-21 First International Conference on Human Behavior Change for Animal Welfare
Learning About Animals and Change For Animals Foundation (CFAF)
Dorking, Surrey, UK
19-21 Making Sense of the Animal – Human Bond and Relationship(s)
Mansfield College
Oxford, United Kingdom
20-23 Compassionate Conservation Week 2016: Compassionate Conservation Webinar Series
The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals
21-27 Adopt a Less Adoptable Companion Animal Week
22 Elephant Appreciation Day
22 Lunch Lecture on Animal Testing
Golden Gate University School of Law
San Francisco, California, USA
22 World Rhino Day
22-24 ONE HEALTH - European Interregional Conference
"One Health – New Medical Concept” Association
Bucharest, Romania
23 Texas Humane Legislation Network 2016 Conference
Texas Humane Legislation Network
Austin, Texas, USA
23 VIP Reception Celebrating the Inaugural Youth Forum for People and Wildlife
International Fund for Animal Welfare
Sandton, South Africa
24 Global March for Elephants and Rhino
Global March for Elephants and Rhino
24 International Rabbit Day
24 Fish Amnesty Day
24 September - 5 October CITES Conference of the Parties 17 (COP17)
Johannesberg, South Africa
25 Save the Koala Day
25-30 National Dog Week
26 Animals Behaving Badly – Veterinary/Welfare Perspectives
CABI and University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine
26-28 International One Welfare Conference
Manitoba Veterinary Medical Association
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
27 Animals and Death Conference
The Animals and Philosophy Exploration (APE) Collective, University of Leeds
Leeds, UK
27-30 41st World Small Animal Veterinary Association Congress
World Small Animal Veterinary Association
Cartagena, Colombia
28 10th World Rabies Day
Global Alliance for Rabies Control
28-29 Second global meeting of the wildlife enforcement networks
International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime (ICCWC)/CITES
Johannesburg, South Africa
28-30 2016 Colorado Animal Welfare Conference
Colorado Federation of Animal Welfare Agencies
Black Hawk, Colorado, USA
28-30 Human and Animal Representations
University of Verona
Verona, Italy
29 Save the Geese Day
29-30 European Companion Animal Welfare and Protection Conference
Animal Rights Protection Organization Lithuania, AAP – Animal Advocacy and Protection, and Dogs Trust
Vilnius, Lithuania
September 29 - October 1 Fellow Travellers: An Animal Studies Conference
Animals and Society Institute
Middletown, Connecticut, USA
24 September - 5 October CITES Conference of the Parties 17 (COP17)
Johannesberg, South Africa
September 29 - October 1 Fellow Travellers: An Animal Studies Conference
Animals and Society Institute
Middletown, Connecticut, USA
Monthlong October Adopt-a-Dog Month
American Humane Association
1 Opening Preview
The Animal Museum
Los Angeles, California, USA
1 (every Saturday of the month) Belle Vue Greyhound Demo
Veggies Events
Manchester, United Kingdom
1 International Raccoon Appreciation Day
1 World Vegetarian Day
1 - 9 8th Annual New York Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
New York, USA
2 Mohandas Gandhi's Birthday
2 World Day for Farmed Animals
Farm Animal Rights Movement
2 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Society for Animals in Distress
Midrand, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa
2 - 5 INTERPOL Wildlife Crime Working Group Meeting
Johannesburg, South Africa
3 - 7 American Conference of Veterinarian Sciences PANVET 2016
Panama City, Panama
4 World Animal Day
Naturewatch Foundation
4 - 6 Interdisciplinary Workshop “Rational animals?”
Bochum, Germany
5 68th meeting of the CITES Standing Committee
Johannesburg, South Africa
5 Symposium: Animal Shelter Law
Doubletree by Hilton Seattle Hotel
Seattle, Washington, USA
6 Fall 2016 Environmental Humanities Series: Screening Nature with Anat Pick
New York University Animal Studies Initiative
New York, New York, USA
6 Rabbit Welfare
European Inter Group on the Welfare and Conservation of Animals
6, rue des Patriotes B - 1000 Brussels
7 - 8 The Future of Food
The Humane Society of the United States
Washington, D.C., USA
7 - 9 Animal Law Conference
Animal Legal Defense Fund and Center for Animal Law Studies Lewis & Clark
University New York, New York, USA
8 - 9 SOAS Mule And Donkey Conference
School of Oriental and African Studies
London, UK
9 16th Bow-wows and Meows Pet Fair
Bow-Wows and Meows
Santa Clarita, California, USA
9 - 11 International Conference on Cultured Meat
Maastricht University
Maastrict, The Netherlands
9-15 National Wolf Awareness Week
National Humane Education Society
11-13 International Companion Animal Welfare Conference
The Dogs Trust
Dubrovnik, Croatia
11-13 Regional Seminar for the OIE National Focal Points for Veterinary Products
World Organizaton for Animal Health (OIE)
12 Adoption Options 2016 Montreal
Montreal, Canada
12-13 AWIC Workshop: Meeting the Information Requirements of the Animal Welfare Act
United States Department of Agriculture
Beltsville, Maryland, USA
12-14 Texts, Animals, Environments. Zoopoetics and Environmental Poetics
Humanities and Social Sciences Online
Hannover, Germany
13 Environmental Humanities Series: An Inquiry into the Metaphysics of Others
Animal Studies Initiative, New York University
New York, New York, USA
13 The Severn Forum – Justice for Animals
Catholic Concern for Animals
Cheltenham, UK
14-15 2016 Animals in Focus Conference
RSPCA Queensland
South Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
15 Fall Festival for Farmed Animals
Asha Farm Sanctuary
Newfane, New York, USA
15 Greyounds Around the Globe Conference
GREY2K USA Worldwide
Delray Beach, Florida, USA
15-23 3rd Annual Illinois Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
Illinois, USA
16 National Feral Cat Day
National Humane Education Society
16 World Food Day
World Food Day
17-19 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Animal Welfare Training, RSPCA International, Inter African Bureau for Animal Resources, and others
Accra, Ghana
17-21 43rd Session of the Committee on World Food Security
Committee on World Food Security
Rome, Italy
18 Agriculture Law and Policy Panel
University of Maryland School of Law
Baltimore Maryland
20-22 15th Asian Association of Veterinary Schools Congress
Asian Assocation of Veterinary Schools
Taipei, Taiwan
20-28 66th meeting of the International Whaling Commission
International Whaling Commission
Portorož, Slovenia
21-23 India for Animals Conference
Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organisations (FIAPO)
Mumbai, India
21 Reptile Awareness Day
22-30 9th Annual Pennsylvania Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
Pennsylvania, USA
23 Pet CPR & First Aid Training
Pasadena, California, USA
25-28 Annual Meeting of OIE Regional and Sub-Regional Representatives
World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)
Paris, France
27 Live with the Animal Legal Defense Fund: Ag-gag discussion
Animal Legal Defense Fund
29 National Cat Day
1 Rodent and Rabbit Welfare Group Meeting
Universities Federation for Animal Welfare
Edinburgh, UK
1 Environmental Humanities Series: Captured at Sea: Trafficking, Slavery, and Illegal Fishing on the Open Ocean
NYU Center for the Humanities
New York, New York, USA
1 World Vegan Day
Universities Federation for Animal Welfare
1 World Vegan Day
2 Animal Welfare and Religion Symposium
University of Winchester
Winchester, Hampshire, UK
2 Discussion of Bill C-246 The Modernizing Animal Protection Act: Why it failed
The University of Toronto Law School
Edinburgh, UK
3 Georgia Animal Law CLE Conference
Animal Law Source and Animal Law Section of the State Bar of Georgia
Atlanta, Georgia and online
3 One Health Day
One Health Commission
Atlanta, Georgia and online
4 Marine Mammals in the Desert: Laws Regulating Captive Marine Mammals and Swimming with Dolphins in Arizona
State Bar of Arizona
Tuscon, Arizona, USA
4-6 Badger Trust Conference
Badger Trust
Hertfordshire, UK
5 Animal Law and Environmental Law: Building Collaboration
Yale Law School
New Haven, Connecticut, USA
5 Third Annual UC Davis One Health Symposium
UC Davis
Davis, California, USA
5 American Pets Alive Conference
Austin Pets Alive!
Austin, Texas, USA
5-7 Sixth Annual No-Kill Conference
Best Friends Animal Society and Maddie's Fund
Austin, Texas, USA
6-12 National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week
National Humane Education Society
7-18 22nd Session of the Conference of the Parties (COP22) to the UNFCCC
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Marrakesh, Marrakech, Morocco
8 Endangered Species and International Law
Harvard Law School
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
8 Wild Animal Welfare: Challenges and Opportunities
State Bar of Arizona
Edinburgh, UK
9-10 The 45th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS)
Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals
Bonn, Germany
10 2016 World Horse Welfare Conference
World Horse Welfare
London, UK
10 Prosecuting Companion Animal Cruelty: Challenges, Triumphs, & Lessons Learned
American University Washington College of Law
Washington, D.C., USA
10 What Does the Fox Say? Understanding Animal Cognition
New York University School of Journalism
New York, New York, USA
10-11 2nd Global Conference on One Health
World Veterinary Assocation
Kitakyushu City, Japan
12-13 8th Kerala Veterinary Science Congress
World Veterinary Assocation
Thrisser, Kerala, India
12-13 2016 15th Annual North American Conference for Critical Animal Studies
The Institute for Critical Animal Studies
Durango, Colorado, USA
12-13 The 2016 Symposium on Multidisciplinary Research in Effective Animal Advocacy
Animal Charity Evaluators
Princeton, New Jersey, USA
12-13 Animal Politics: Justice, Power and the State
International School Voor Wijsbegeerte
Leusden, Germany
12 Atlanta VegFest 2016
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
12 Tampa Bay Vegfest
Tampa Bay, Florida, USA
12 The Spay Neuter Summit
Philadelephia, Pennsylvania, USA
12-20 Arkansas Week for the Animals
Animal World, USA
Arkansas, USA
13 National Day of the Horse
13-19 Human-Animal Relationships Awareness Week
Animals & Society Institute
14 Antibiotics and You
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Rome, Italy - Webcast available
14 got milk? a feminist exploration of milk from slavery to the “post-milk generation”
George Washington University Law School Feminist Forum & Student Animal Legal Defense Fund
14-20 Get Smart About Antibiotics Week
US Centers for Disease Control
15 National Council on Pet Population & Society of Animal Welfare Administrators 2015 Research Symposium
Society of Animal Welfare Administrators
St. Petersburg, Florida, USA
16 Unlocking the Cage: Film Screening with Steven Wise
Harvard Law School
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
16-17 Third International Conference of Animal Computer Interaction
Milton Keynes, UK
16-18 SAWA 2016 Annual Conference
Society of Animal Welfare Administrators
Portland, Oregon, USA
17-18 Hanoi Conference on the Illegal Wildlife Trade
Vietnam Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
Hanoi, Vietnam
17 National Black Cat Day
18-19 The Sheffield Animals Research Colloquium: Conserving
British Animal Studies Network
Sheffield, UK
19 March to Close Down All Slaughterhouses in Dublin
National Animal Rights Association (NARA)
Dublin, Ireland
22-24 Regional Seminar for the OIE National Focal Points on Wildlife
World Organizaton for Animal Health
Aberdare / Nakuru, Kenya
24 Save a Turkey Day
25 Fur-Free Friday
25-27 Animal encounters: human-animal-contacts in the arts, literature, culture, and the sciences
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Department for German and Comparative Studies
Erlangen, Germany
29 Changing Perspectives on Rehoming and Retention of Dogs and Cats: Keeping Fluffy Home
Center for Animals and Public Policy at Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine
North Grafton, Massachusetts, USA
Monthlong ASPCA's Adopt a Senior Pet Month
Monthlong Manatee Awareness Month
Monthlong World Vegan Month
The Vegan Society
26 November - 4 December Georgia Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
Georgia, USA
Past Events 2015
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
2 8th Annual Animal Law Reception at AALS
Animal Legal Defense Fund
Washington, D.C., USA
3 FIAPO's New Year Resolution: Put an End to Animal Cruelty Exhibition
Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organisations (FIAPO)
New Delhi, India
5 13th Annual National Bird Day
Born Free USA and Avian Welfare Coalition
8 Understanding the Legislative Process; Animals and the Law
Quinnipiac University School of Law
North Haven, Connecticut, USA
15 5th Annual "Change for Taiji and Candle Vigil"
Miami, Florida, USA
17 Miracle March for Lolita
Miami, Florida, USA
13-20 Minding Animals Conference 3
Minding Animals
New Delhi, India
14 Albert Schweitzer's Birthday
20-22 2015 OIE Global Conference on Aquatic Animal Health: 'Riding the Wave to the Future'
World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
21 Chip it Good! Maximizing Microchips to Help Lost Pets Get Home
Found Animals Registry
Pheonix, Arizona
21 Squirrel Appreciation Day
23-25 Parrot Festival 2015
National Parrot Rescue and Preservation Foundation
Houston, Texas, USA
28 Expert Workshop on Ivory
CITES and the Chinese Government
30 Indonesian Primate Day
February 9 - April 17 Humane Education in Schools in Accra
Ghana Society for the Protection and Care of Animals (please email event organizer This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information)
Accra, Ghana
15 Have a Heart for Our Planet-Sustainability Festival
Healthy You Network
Tuscon, Arizona, USA
16 Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and Animal Welfare
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy
Webinar - Online
Watch the Webinar here.
20 Digital Animals
Animal Studies Initiative at New York University
New York City, New York, USA
21 Ivy League Vegan Conference
Cornell University
Ithaca, New York, USA
20-22 Biodiversity, Sustainable Development, and the Law
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)
Cambridge, UK
West Midlands Badger Group
Birmingham, UK
25 The Return of the Wolf
Center for Biological Diversity and the Marin Humane Society
Novato, California, USA
26 Workshop on Alternatives to Pig Castration
The European Commission
Brussels, Belgium
February 27 - March 1 National Animal Law Competitions (NALC) 2015
Harvard Law School
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
February 27 - March 1 Beyond Enforcement: Communites, Governments, Incentives and Sustainable Use in Combatting Illegal Wildlife Trade
IUCN CEESP/SSC Sustainable Use and Livelihoods Specialist Group (SULi), the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), the Austrian Ministry for the Environment, the ARC Centre of Excellence for Environmental Decisions (CEED) and TRAFFIC
Muldersdrift, South Africa
28 2nd Annual Animal Film Festival
Center for Animal Protection and Education
Grass Valley, California
28 Gulfport's Get Rescued: 11th Annual Pet Rescue Street Fair
Gulfport, Florida, USA
February 27 - March 1 Beyond Enforcement: Communities, Governments, Incentives and Sustainable Use in Combatting Illegal Wildlife Trade
IUCN CEESP/SSC Sustainable Use and Livelihoods Specialist Group (SULi), the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), the Austrian Ministry for the Environment, the ARC Centre of Excellence for Environmental Decisions (CEED) and TRAFFIC
Muldersdrift, South Africa
February 27 - March 1 National Animal Law Competitions (NALC) 2015
Harvard Law School
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
2 Justice for All? Race, Class, Gender, Disability, and Animal Liberation
New York University School of Law
New York City, New York, USA
3-5 2nd Conference on International Dog Population Management
International Companion Animal Management Coalition
Istanbul, Turkey
11 Numerical Competence in African Grey Parrots (Psittacus Erithacus) - Talk by Irene Pepperberg
Center for Animals and Public Policy at Tufts University
North Grafton, Massachusetts, USA Also available remotely here.
15 Envía Cartas a Los Congresistas para Que Prohíban Corridas de Toros en el Perú / Send Letters to Congressmen to Ban Bullfighting in Peru
Lima, Peru
15-18 3rd International One Health Congress
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
17 Debate: Can Animals Empathise? And What Does This Mean For Their Welfare?
World Animal Protection's Animal Mosaic
19-21 Living with Animals
Eastern Kentucky University
Richmond, Kentucky
20-22 World Vegan Summit and Expo
Southern California, USA
20 Great American Meatout
Farm Animal Rights Movement (FARM)
United States
21 'Eyes in the Field' Wildlife Crime Conference
Birders Against Wildlife Crime
Buxton, Derbyshire, UK
21 Symposium: For Conservation of Endangered Species - Responsibility of Japan as Import Country of the Wildlife
Japanese Ministry of the Environment
Tokyo, Japan
23-27 6th Pan Commonwealth Veterinary Conference and 27th Veterinary Association of Malaysia Congress 2015
World Veterinary Association
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
25 Kasane Conference on the Illegal Wildlife Trade
The Botswanan Ministry of Environment, Wildlife, and Tourism
Kasane, Botswana
26 Workshop on Alternatives to Pig Castration
The European Commission
Brussels, Belgium
28 ALDF Animal Law Symposium
Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF)
Los Angeles, California, USA
28 East and South Asian Voices Challenging Racism, Colonialism, and Speciesism
The Institute for Critical Animal Studies
28-29 Brighton VegFest
Brighton, United Kingdom
28-29 The Human-Animal Boundary: Exploring the Line in Philosophy and Fiction
University of Puerto Rico - Mayaguez
Mayaquez, Puerto Rico
29 Summit for the Animals
National Council for Animal Protection
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
29 A Well-Fed World Global Food Sustainability Conference
A Well-Fed World
Brighton, United Kingdom
30 The Animal Well-Being Conference: A Forum of Ideas, Impact, and Inspiration
The Kirkpatrick Foundation
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA
March 30-April 2
Animal Care EXPO 2015
Humane Society of the United States and Humane Society International
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
March 31-April 1 Honoring the Horse
The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS)
New Orleans, Louisianna, USA
March 30-April 2 Animal Care EXPO 2015
Humane Society of the United States and Humane Society International
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
4 2015 Conscious Eating Conference
United Poultry Concerns
Berkeley, California, USA
4 Animal Life Rescue and Fast Lane Mopars Easter Pet Adoption and Car Show
Animal Life
Dunn, North Carolina, USA
4 Global March to End the Dog and Cat Meat Trade
Say No to Dog Meat
4 Kids & Family Animal Rights Day at Massachusetts School of Law
Massachusetts School of Law
Andover, Massachusetts, USA
6-10 WCO/UNEP Joint Regional Risk Management Workshop - Countering illegal trade in environmentally regulated goods
Malacca, Malaysia
7 Fashion and Animals: The Anatomy of a Fatal Attraction
New York University Animals Studies Initiative
New York City, New York, USA
10 Speaker Series with Michal Pregowski: The greatest and most beloved: what pet cemeteries tell us about us and our relationships with animals
Animals and Society Institute
Livonia, Michigan, USA
11-13 New England Federation of Humane Societies Annual Conference
New England Federation of Humane Societies
Nashua, New Hampshire, USA
12 Pet CPR and First Aid
Pasadena, California, USA
12-19 13th UN Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
Doha, Qatar
14 Managed Admission: Giving Shelter Cats Their Best Chance at a Great Outcome
Maddie's Fund
Online Webinar
15 End Wildlife Trafficking: Recommendations for an EU Action Plan
Catherine Bearder MEP of the European Parliament and the Born Free Foundation
Brussels, Belgium
15 Stress, the HPA Axis, and Nonhuman Primate Well-Being
Center for Animals and Public Policy, Tufts University
North Grafton, Massachusetts, USA
Available online here.
15 World Rat Day
Cavy Rescue
15-16 Rehabilitation and Release of Badgers
Secret World Wildlife Rescue
Somerset, UK
17 2015 Institute for Critical Animal Studies North America Conference
The Institute for Critical Animal Studies
Binghampton, New York, USA
18 SALDF Animal Law Symposium
The Animal Legal Defense Fund
White Plains, New York, USA
18-19 Toward a Sustainable and Legal Wildlife Trade: An International 2-Day Symposium
International Trade Centre, Centre for Biocultural Diversity, and the University of Kent
Canterbury, UK
20-26 World Week of Action for Animals in Laboratories
In Defense of Animals
21 AWIN Conference
Animal Welfare Indicators (AWIN)
Brussels, Belgium
21-22 National Food Policy Conference
Consumer Federation of America
Washington, D.C., USA
22 Using Behavior Analysis to Benefit Shelter Dogs
Center for Shelter Dogs
Medford, Massachusetts, USA
22-24 APHE 2015 National Humane Education Conference
Association of Professional Humane Educators
Pheonix, Arizona, USA
23 Recognizing and Dealing with Badger Crime
Secret World Wildlife Rescue
Somerset, UK
24 World Day for Animals in Laboratories
24-25 2015 Human-Animal Interaction Conference
Green Chimneys
Brewster, New York, USA
27-30 International Conference on Illegal Exploitation and Illegal Trade in Wildlife Products and Wild Flora of Africa
Government of Congo and the African Union Commission
Brazzaville, Congo
27-29 Cosmetic Compliance Summit (The New England Anti-Vivisection Society's Theodora Capaldo will take part in a round table discussion at the Summit)
Edison, New Jersey, USA
29-30 Improving Pig Welfare: What Are the Ways Forward?
Danish Minstry of Food, Agriculture, and Fisheries and the Danish Centre for Animal Welfare
Copenhagen, Denmark
27 April - 1 May 19th Session of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC)
Republic of Korea
2 New Hampshire Veg Fest
Manchester, New Hampshire, USA
2 Pet CPR and First Aid
Monterey Park, California, USA
2-5 National Animal Welfare Conference
Canadian Federation of Humane Societies
Richmond, British Colombia, BC
8 World Donkey Day
Amberwood Sanctuary: A Special Place for Donkeys
Baker County, Georgia, USA
8-9 International Conference of Alternatives to Animal Experimentation
Portuguese Society for Humane Education
Lisbon, Portugal
12-14 Ad hoc group on the animal welfare of working equids
World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)
12-14 Eighth Session of the Regional Commission for Fisheries (RECOFI)
Islamic Republic of Iran
13-16 International Conference on Diseases of Zoo and Wild Animals 2015
Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research
Barcelona, Spain
15-18 40th World Small Animal Veterinary Association Congress
World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA)
Bangkok, Thailand
16 Tasting: A Meeting of the British Animal Studies Network
The British Animal Studies Network
Glasgow, United Kingdom
17 Pet CPR and First Aid
Pasadena, California, USA
18 Animal fun: What do we know?
World Animal Protection's Animal Mosaic
20 Animal Intelligence and Its Implications for the Left
United Poultry Concerns
New York, New York, USA
21-22 Global Conference on One Health
World Veterinary Association and World Medical Association
Madrid, Spain
22 International Day for Biological Diversity
Convention on Biological Diversity
23 World Turtle Day
American Tortoise Rescue
24-29 83rd General Session of the World Assembly of OIE Delegates
World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)
Paris, France
26 National Association of Equine Affiliated Academics Meeting
National Association of Equine Affiliated Academics
St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA
28 Animals Rock - A Night to End Animal Cruelty
Canadian Federation of Humane Societies
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
28-29 La libération animale, quarante ans plus tard / Animal Liberation 40 Years On
Anglophonie : Communautés et Ecritures research team
Rennes, France
30 National Animal Rights Day
The National Animal Rights Day
Los Angeles, California; San Francisco, California; Colorado Springs, Colorado; Seattle, Washington; Toronto, Ontario; Ottawa, Ontario
30 The Path to Liberation - DxE May Day of Action
Direct Action Everywhere
31 5th Animal Rescue and Foster of Rutherford County, Tennessee Networking Meeting
Rutherford County Animal Group
Murfreesboro, Tennessee, USA
31 Kiss a Cow Day - Asha Sanctuary's Summer Kick-Off Party
Asha Sanctuary
Newfane, New York, USA
Month-long events: Adopt a Cat Month
3 Cetáceos: mejor en libertad. Sesión informativa
SOSdelfines and Turmares
Tarifa Cadiz, Spain
4 Delfines y orcas: mejor en libertad. Taller informativo
SOSdelfines and Turmares
Tarifa Cadiz, Spain
5 Farmed Animal Conference
Animal Place
Vacaville, California, USA
5 World Environment Day
United Nations Environment Programme
5-7 Green Festival Expo
Messe Stuttgart Inc.
Washington, D.C., USA
5-7 Learning "Dog" Conference
Learning "Dog"
Columbia, South Carolina, USA
6 1st Annual Gala
National Museum of Animals and Society
Los Angeles, California, USA
6 Empty the Tanks 2015 - Mystic Aquarium #EmptytheTanksMystic
Mystic, Connecticut, USA
6 Evento informativo de SOSdelfines en Barcelona
Barcelona, Spain
6 International March to Close all Slaughterhouses
March for the Closing down of All the Slaughterhouses
Toulouse, France
6 Pet CPR and First Aid
Monterey Park, California, USA
6 Weekend of Action Against Transporting Animals to Labs: Stand Up Against AirFrance/Delta/KLM
The Bunny Alliance
Los Angeles, California, USA
7 5th National Animal Rights Day
The National Animal Rights Day
New York City, New York and Northampton, Massachusetts, USA
8 World Oceans Day
10-11 Workshop on Dairy Cattle Welfare
Farm Animal Welfare Education Centre, School of Veterinary Science, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Barcelona, Spain
June 10-September 28 Presiona por la abolición de la TAUROMAQUIA en Perú
Animales Libres de Crueldad y Opresión-ALCO
Lima, Peru
13 International March to Close all Slaughterhouses
March for the Closing down of All the Slaughterhouses
Los Angeles, Paris, Berlin, London, Istanbul, Sydney, Brussels, Cassel, Toronto
13 Problems and Solutions: Dealing with the Small Exotics
Zoocheck Canada
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
14 International March to Close all Slaughterhouses
March for the Closing down of All the Slaughterhouses
Brussels, Belgium
14 Pet CPR and First Aid
Pasadena, California, USA
14 World Pet Memorial Day
15 Caribbean Animal Welfare Conference
Humane Society International
San Jose, Costa Rica
17 The Patented Ape: Workshop on animal rights, patents on animals and synthetic genome technologies
Berlin, Germany
19 Towards a sustainable and legal wildlife trade: An international 2-day symposium
Kent University
Canterbury, United Kingdom
23 California Humane Lobby Day
Humane Society of the United States
Sacramento, California, USA
23-24 Basic CITES workshop for inspectors
Guatemala City, Guatemala
26 Save Nosey Now Peaceful Demonstration
Save Nosey the Elephant Facebook Group
Washington, D.C., USA
27 Pints for Pups - A Fundraiser for PAWS Chicago
PAWS Chicago
Lemont, Illinois, USA
June 27-July 5 United Kingdom Week for the Animals
United Kingdom
June 27-July 5 United Kingdom Week for the Animals
United Kingdom
July 4 - August 1 Vegano Italiano Festival
Tierno Tours and Green Earth Travel
Amalfi and Cilento Coasts
2-3 Aviana Kenya 2015
3 Animal and Natural Worlds, c. 500-1750: Medieval and Early Modern Interdisciplinary Ecologies
Durham University
Durham, United Kingdom
7 George Bernard Shaw's Birthday
7-9 ISAZ 2015: Topics in Human-Animal Relations
International Society of Anthrozoology
Saratoga Springs, New York, USA
8-12 Vegetarian Summerfest 2015: Annual Conference of the North American Vegetarian Society
North American Vegetarian Society
Johnstown, Pennsylvania
9 314 Session: - The New Animal Health Law - Live Exports to Third Countries - book presentation on animal transport
The European Parliament's Intergroup on the Welfare and Conservation of Animals
Strasbourg, France
10-14 American Veterinary Medical Association Convention
American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
11 International March to Close all Slaughterhouses
March for the Closing down of All the Slaughterhouses
Bern, Switzerland
12 Art for the Animals Painting Party Fundraiser to Benefit the Farm Animal Rescue of Mifflinburg
Farm Animal Rescue of Mifflinburg
Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, USA
12-15 Animal Publics: Emotions, Empathy, Activisim Conference
Australian Animal Studies Group, The University of Melbourne
Melbourne, Australia
12-15 Animal Publics: Emotions, Empathy, Activism Conference
Human Rights and Animal Ethics Research Network, University of Melbourne
Melbourne, Australia
14 Shark Awareness Day
14-15 Animal Populations – World Resources and Animal Welfare: UFAW International Animal Welfare Symposium
Universities Federation for Animal Welfare (UFAW)
Zagreb, Croatia
14-16 Basic CITES workshop for inspectors
Costa Rica
16-17 HSA International Symposium 2015: Recent Advances II
Humane Slaughter Association (HSA)
Zagreb, Croatia
16-19 Best Friends National Conference
Best Friends Animal Society
Atlanta, Georgia
16-19 Canadian Veterinary Medical Association Convention
Canadian Veterinary Medical Association
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
19 Shelter and Rescue Law Symposium
American Bar Association's Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section's Animal Law Committee
Atlanta, Georgia
20 Making Sense of the Animal - Human Bond and Relationships
Oxford, UK
20-31 Camp Kindness
Catskill Animal Sanctuary
Saugerties, New York, USA
21-24 FAO Expert Consultation on “Establishing Guidelines for Catch Documentation Schemes to Improve the Traceability of Fishery Products”
Rome, Italy
23 Paws 4 Art
Team PAWS - PAWS Chicago
San Diego, California, USA
25 #LightThePath - Worldwide Virtual Animal Rights Event
25 Red, White, and Beagle
Beagle Freedom Project DC7
Alexandria, Virginia
25 The Importance of Open Rescue - DxE Presentation
Direct Action Everywhere (DxE)
Rancho Cucamonga, California, USA
26 Rutherford County, Tennessee Animal Rescue/Foster's 7th Meeting
Rutherford County, Tennessee Animal Rescue/Foster Group
Murfreesboro, Tennessee, USA
28-31 Compassionate Conservation 2015
Centre for Compassionate Conservation
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
July 30 - August 2 2015 National Animal Rights Conference
Washington, D.C.
30 National Mutt Day
1 Adoption Fair and Fundraiser Yard Sale
Wild West Animal Sanctuary
Wanette, Oklahoma, USA
1-16 6th Annual Africa Weeks for the Animals
Animal World USA International
4-6 Regional Seminar for OIE National Focal Points on Animal Welfare
World Organisation for Animal Health
7-9 Speak for Wolves
Numerous Sponsors
West Yellowstone, Montana, USA
9-14 2015 Behavior
International Ethological Conference and the Australasian Society for the Study of Behavior
Cairns, Australia
10 World Lion Day
12 World Elephant Day
15 Clear the Shelters Day
NBC and Telemundo Television Stations
15 National Homeless Animals Day
15-23 7th Annual Louisiana Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
Louisana, USA
16 BASTA PALIO - Manifestazione Nazionale a Siena 16 agosto 2015
Partito Animalista Europeo
Siena, Italy
19 World Orangutan Day
World Orangutan Events
22-30 2nd Annual Washington Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
Washington State, USA
22 National Take Your Cat to the Vet Day
22 World Day for the End of Speciesism
26 National Dog Day
28 Candle Light Vigil for Carriage Horses in NYC and Around the World
No Walk in the Park
New York City, New York, USA
29 2015 Animal Law Conference
The Law Society of New South Wales Young Lawyers
New South Wales
Aug 30- Sept 3 28th Meeting of the CITES Animals Committee Committee
Tel Aviv, Israel
Aug 30- Sept 3 28th Meeting of the CITES Animals Committee Committee
Tel Aviv, Israel
1 Japan Dolphins Day
Ric O'Berry's the Dolphin Project
Events around the world
1 Lilongwe Rabies Mass Vaccination Campaign
Lilongwe Society for the Protection and Care of Animals (LPSCA)
Lilongwe, Malawi
1 World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation
Animal Interfaith Alliance
8 315th Session: Debate with Commissioner Andriukaitis about EU animal welfare policy during this term and presentation of the campaign "protect our pets"
The European Parliament's Intergroup on the Welfare and Conservation of Animals
Strasbourg, France
10 After the Election: Prospects for Animal Protection in the UK
Centre for Animals and Social Justice
London, UK
10-13 International Animal Rights Conference
Save Animals
11-13 Badger Trust Annual Conference
The Badger Trust
Colchester, UK
12-20 Wisconsin Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
Wisconsin, USA
13-17 32nd World Veterinary Conference
World Veterinary Association
Istanbul, Turkey
14-19 Informal Consultations on "Oceans and the Laws of the Sea" - First Round, New York, USA
United Nations
15 3rd WVA Summit
World Veterinary Association, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, World Organisation for Animal Health, World Health Organisation
Istanbul, Turkey
15-16 Panel Discussion on 'The Democratic Representation of Animals' at the Policy and Politics Conference
University of Bristol
Bristol, UK
18-20 Living Free Bootcamp: Intensive Training for Animal Activists
Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organisations
Delhi, India
19-27 Tennessee Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
Tennessee, USA
20-23 LINZ 2015 - 19th European Congress on Alternatives to Animal Testing / EUSAAT 2015 16th Annual Congress of EUSAAT
European Society for Alternatives to Animal Testing, The European 3Rs Society
Linz, Austria
21 World Rabies Day & Animal Day 2015
Tanzania Animals Protection Organization
Kahama, Shinyanga, Tanzania
22 World Rhino Day
25-26 The Homes for Horses Coalition Conference
The Humane Society of the United States and the Homes for Horses Coalition
Irving, Texas, USA
25-27 Green Festival Expo
Messe Stuttgart Inc.
Los Angeles, California, USA
25-27 Living Free Bootcamp: Intensive Training for Animal Activists
Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organisations
Chennai, India
26 International Rabbit Day
26 Pet Adoption Event at PetSmart
Follow Your Heart Animal Rescue
Mesa, Arizona, USA
26 Pets on Parade- The Fast and the Furriest
Siouxland Humane Society
Sioux City, Iowa, USA
26 Respect Life: Activists Around the World Unite As One
26-28 Helping Animals Heal: A Workshop Exploring the Healing Relationship Between Animals, Humans, and Nature
Hamilton, Montana, USA
26-29 Asian songbird crisis summit: Setting priorities to address the threat of songbird trade in the Greater Sunda region
Jurong Bird Park, Singapore
Sept 26 - Oct 4 New York Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
New York State, USA
28 World Rabies Day Clinic
Greenbriar Veterinary Hospital and Luxury Pet Resort (email for information)
Frederick, Maryland, USA
30 Farmageddon: The True Cost of Cheap Meat, Presentation by Philip Lymbery, CEO of Compassion in World Farmin at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Rome, Italy
1 World Vegetarian Day
North American Vegetarian Society
1 Animals Rock - An Evening to End Cruelty
Canadian Federation of Humane Societies
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
2 World Day for Farmed Animals
2-3 AWSELVA-ECAWBM-ESVCE Conference 2015
University of Bristol School of Veterinary Sciences
Bristol, UK
3 First Annual Dog Film Festival
New York City, New York, USA
3 World Day for Farmed Animals - Ottawa
World Day for Farmed Animals - Farm Animal Rights Movement (FARM)
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
3 2015 Michigan Animal Law Symposium
Cooley Law School
Lansing, Michigan, USA
4 World Animal Day
Naturewatch Foundation
4-7 3rd GRF One Health Summit 2015
Global Risk Forum
Davos, Switzerland
4-8 26th Annual Rabies in the Americas Conference
Rabies in the Americas
Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
5-7 International Single Window Conference & Exhibition, 4th Edition, Palais des Congres
Brazzaville, Congo
5-8 2nd Meeting of Signatories to the Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation of Migratory Birds of Prey in Africa and Eurasia
Trondheim, Norway
6 National Badger Day
Badger Trust
United Kingdom
6-8 Eye on Earth Summit: Informed Decision Making for Sustainable Development
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
6-10 Asia for Animals Conference
Sarawak Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SSPCA)
Borneo, Malaysia
7 Free Workshop on Humane Education & Legislation
HEART and Chicago Student Animal Legal Defense Fund Chapters
Chicago, Illinois, USA
7 Whittier Law Hosts Farmed Animal Speakers
Whittier Law School
Costa Mesa, California, USA
8 Stand Up to SeaWorld: Support Orcas at CA Coastal Commission Meeting
Animal Legal Defense Fund
Long Beach, California, USA
9 The State Bar of Michigan Animal Law Section’s 20th Anniversary: Past, Present and Future
State Bar of Michigan Animal Law Section
Novi, Michigan, USA
7-8 2015 Animal Law & Enforcement / Animal Shelter Symposium
Animal Law Source
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
8-9 Meeting of Member Countries of the FAO Committee on Fisheries to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries
Vigo, Spain
9 "Effective Altruism for Animals" Panel
New York University Animal Studies Initiative
New York City, New York, USA
9-11 6th Multidisciplinary Expert Panel of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)
Bonn, Germany
10 Big Cat Crisis Symposium
The Wildcat Sanctuary
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
10-18 2nd Annual Illinois Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
Illinois, USA
11 Pet CPR and First Aid Training
San Gabriel, California, USA
12-14 Living Large: Wolves, Bears, Cougars, and Humans in North America
Humane Society of the United States
Washington, D.C., USA
14-15 44th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals
Bonn, Germany
16 2015 Student Animal Legal Defense Fund Summit
Animal Legal Defense Fund
Portland, Oregan, USA
16 Texas Animal Law Seminar
South Texas College of Law
Houston, Texas, USA
16-18 23rd Annual Animal Law Conference
Animal Legal Defense Fund, the Center for Animal Law Studies at Lewis & Clark Law School, and the Lewis & Clark Student Animal Legal Defense Fund
Portland, Oregon, USA
16-18 Learning "Dog" Conference
Learning "Dog"
Moorhead City, North Carolina, USA
18 Pet CPR & First Aid Training
Temple City Animal Hospital
19-22 1st Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) Capacity-building Forum
Dehradun, India
20-23 Annual Meeting of OIE Regional and Sub-Regional Representatives
World Organisation for Animal Health
Paris, France
21 Workshop on Farm Animal Welfare
Farm Animal Welfare Education Centre
Barcelona, Spain
21-22 Workshop on Pig Welfare
Farm Animal Welfare Education Centre, School of Veterinary Science, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Barcelona, Spain
23 Second Annual HLS-UCLA Food Law and Policy Conference: Drugs, Animals, and Food: Law & Policy of Antibiotics in the Food System
Harvard Law School Food Law Lab
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
24 Farm Sanctuary Gala
Farm Sanctuary
New York City, New York, USA
October 24 - November 1 6th Annual Arkansas Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
Arkansas, USA
28 Harvard Law School Careers in Animal Law Panel
Harvard Law School
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
28-29 3rd meeting of signatories to the Memorandum of Understanding concerning Conservation, Restoration and Sustainable Use of the Saiga Antelope
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
29 Why Politics Matter to Animals: A Report from the frontlines by congressman Earl Blumenauer
New York University Animal Studies Initiative
New York City, New York, USA
30 Hunting for Answers about Sustainable Use Conservation
Hastings West-Northwest Journal of Environmental Law and Policy
San Fransisco, California, USA
Month-long Manatee Awareness Month and National Shelter and Rescue Appreciation Month
1 World Vegan Day
1-7 19th meeting of the Convention on Biological Diversity Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice
Montreal, Canada
1-7 National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week
1-7 USDA's Bird Health Awareness Week
2 Release the Hounds: Using Pre-conviction Forfeiture to Save Seized Animals from Re-victimization
Animal Legal Defense Fund
Online Webinar
3 “Breaking the Taboo” by the Animal Legal Defense Fund and the Center for Biological Diversity
Animal Legal Defense Fund and Center for Biological Diversity
Berkeley, California, USA
3 Third Annual SARIS Lecture: Do Animals Have Rights? And What Does That Mean, Exactly?
Memorial University
St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada
4 “Breaking the Taboo” by the Animal Legal Defense Fund and the Center for Biological Diversity
Animal Legal Defense Fund and Center for Biological Diversity
Los Angeles, California, USA
4 Wildlife Crimes: How Poaching Funds Armed Groups and Terrorists
New York City Bar
New York, NY, USA
4-6 5th National Animal Cruetly Prosecution Conference
The Association of Prosecuting Attorneys and the Animal Legal Defense Fund
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
4 “Breaking the Taboo” by the Animal Legal Defense Fund and the Center for Biological Diversity
Animal Legal Defense Fund and Center for Biological Diversity
Los Angeles, California, USA
6 6th Session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds
Bonn, Germany
6 Animals and History Workshop
New York University Animal Studies Initiative
New York City, New York, USA
6 Second European Workshop on Environmental Crime and Wildlife Poisoning
Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS)
7 Atlanta Veg Fest 2015
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
7 Fundraiser for People For Animals
People for Animals
Pune, Maharashtra, India
7 The 6th Annual Tampa Bay Veg Fest
Florida Voices for Animals
Tampa Bay, Florida
8 Pet CPR and First Aid Training
South Pasadena, California, USA
9 Challenging ‘Ag-Gag’: Protecting Freedom of Speech & the Freedom of the Press
The American Constitution Society and the Student Animal Legal Defense Fund of the University of Texas School of Law
Austin, Texas, USA
9-15 Orangutan Caring Week
World Orangutan Events
10 The Challenges of Creating Zoos That Are Ethical Edens
Center for Animals and Public Policy Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine
North Grafton, Massachusetts, USA
12 Deadline for submission of documents for the 66th meeting of the Standing Committee.
12 The Golden Rule for Today's World
Madonna University
Livonia, Michigan, USA
13-14 International Law and Wildlife Well-Being - Moving from Theory to Action
George Washington University Law School
Washington, DC, USA
13-15 Green Festival Expo
Messe Stuttgart Inc.
San Francisco, California, USA
16 Animal Law and Environmental Law: Exploring the Connections and Synergies
Environmental Law Institute
Washington, DC, USA and available via webinar
16-18 2nd INTERPOL Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Events
17-18 Joint Monitoring of Migratory Birds + Joint Monitoring of Breeding Birds (JMMB/JMBB)
Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS)
18 “Ag-Gag Laws” and the Fight to Save the First Amendment with Matthew Liebman
Standford Law School
Standford, California, USA
18-24 Informal Consultations on "Oceans and the Law of the Sea" - Second Round
United Nations
New York, New York, USA
21 Ethical Fashion Show and Animal Rights Conference
New York City, New York, USA
23-27 26th Meeting of the Wildlife Crime Working Group
24-26 Regional CITES NDF Workshop on Risk Assessment and Sharks
Santiago, Chile
25 (Cancelled) World Day Against Foie Gras
25-27 Second Meeting of African-Eurasian Migratory Landbirds Working Group
Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS)
Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire
26 318th Session: Fur Farming
The European Parliament's Intergroup on the Welfare and Conservation of Animals
Strasbourg, France
30 Compassionate Actions Project Food Pantry
Compassionate Actions Project
Erie, Pennsylvania, USA
28 November - 6 December 5th Annual Georgia Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
Georgia, USA
28 November - 6 December 7th Annual Mississippi Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
Jackson, Mississippi, USA
28 November - 6 December 5th Annual South Carolina Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
South Carolina, USA
30 November - 1 December Dr. Temple Grandin: Livestock Behavior & Welfare: Experience, Research, and the Impact on My Life and Teaching
Center for Animals and Public Policy Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine
North Grafton, Massachusetts, USA
28 November - 6 December 5th Annual Georgia Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
Georgia, USA
28 November - 6 December 7th Annual Mississippi Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
Jackson, Mississippi, USA
28 November - 6 December 5th Annual South Carolina Week for the Animals
Animal World USA
South Carolina, USA
30 November - 1 December Dr. Temple Grandin: Livestock Behavior & Welfare: Experience, Research, and the Impact on My Life and Teaching
Center for Animals and Public Policy Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine
North Grafton, Massachusetts, USA
2 MCLE: Animal Law Seminar: Upholding California’s Farmed Animal Protections
LA Law Library
Los Angeles, California, USA
2 National Mutt Day
4 Briefing on the 66th meeting of the CITES Standing Committee - International Environment House II
Geneva, Switzerland
4 World Wildlife Conservation Day
5-6 VegFest Scotland 2015
Vegfest Express
Glasgow, Scotland
8-9 World Bank Group Tourism Forum 2015: Driving Development Through Tourism
World Bank
Washington, D.C., USA
10-11 Global Elimination of Dog-Mediated Human Rabies - WHO/OIE Conference on Rabies
World Organisation for Animal Health and the World Health Organizations
Geneva, Switzerland
11 Louisiana State Bar Association Animal Law Section CLE: From Trust to Farm
Louisiana State Bar Association Animal Law Conference
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
11-13 Green Festival Expo
Messe Stuttgart Inc.
Portland, Oregan, USA
12 National Day of the Horse
15 Animal Law Lobbying 101: Examining Animal Advocacy on the Local, State and Federal Level
New York City Bar
New York, New York, USA
15-16 First Annual International Conference on Veterinary and Animal Sciences 2015: "Livestock for Sustainable Livelihood Improvement"
International Conference on Veterinary and Animal Sciences
Colombo, Sri Lanka
16 Animal Welfare Student Scholars’ Meeting 2015
Universities Federation for Animal Welfare
Chelmsford, UK
Past Events 2014
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
3 7th Annual Animal Law Reception at the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Annual Meeting
Animal Legal Defense Fund
New York City, New York, USA
4 Protest Against Culling/Baiting Sharks
Speakers include Director of Sea Shephard Australia and Founder of Western Australians for Shark Conservation
Cotteslow, Western Australia
4-10 99th Anniversary of Be Kind to Animals Week
American Humane Association
5 National Bird Day
Born Free USA
12 Chicago Vegan Pledge Talk
Mercy for Animals
Chicago, Illinois, USA
13 Seminar: Combatting London's Wildlife Crime
London, the United Kingdom
13-17 Asia for Animals Conference
Asia for Animals Coalition
16 Hearing on the Ivory Trade
Assembly Standing Committee on Environmental Conservation
New York City, New York, USA
17 Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre Opens to the Public
Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre
Sepilok, Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia
17 Lecture on"Without Human Rights No Animal Rights"
Worldwide Events Ending Animal Cruelty Germany
Münster, Germany
24-26 Parrot Festival 2014
National Parrot Rescue and Preservation Foundation
Houston, Texas, USA
25 Peaceful Demonstration for the Ban of Ivory
Action for Elephants UK
London, UK
29 Human Animal Conflict: Balancing Property Rights, Nuisances, & Public Safety with Animal Welfare, Conservation, and Humanity
Animal Legal Defense Fund
New York City, New York, USA
29-31 Regional Consultative Workshop for the Implementation of New CITES Listings of Sharks and Manta Rays
Casablanca, Morrocco
30 Indonesian Primate Day
ProFauna Indonesia
1 March Against the Badger Cull in Newcastle
The League Against Cruel Sports
Newcastle, UK
2 World Wetlands Day
4 Lobby 101 Animal Advocacy Training
Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (MSPCA)
Waltham, Massachusetts, USA
6 Current Trends & Important Developments in Animal Law
Ontario Bar Association
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
8 Shrewsbury Badger Cull Protest
Care for the Wild
Shrewsbury, UK
7-9 The Ivy League Vegan Conference
iV League
Princeton, New Jersey, USA
11-12 Symposium: International Wildlife Trafficking - Solutions to a Global Crisis
Zoological Society of London
London, UK
13 London Conference on the Illegal Trade in Wildlife
London, UK
14 Pet Theft Awareness Day
Last Chance for Animals
15 Love for the Animals
Maple Farm Sanctuary
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
15 San Francisco March for Sharks
Shark Stewards
San Francisco, California, USA
15 World Pangolin Day
World Pangolin Day
21 Animal Abuse Leadership Summit
Animals and Society Institute's AniCare
Owing Mills, Maryland, USA
19-21 Fourth Global Fisheries Enforcement Training Workshop
San José, Costa Rica
21-13 11th Annual National Animal Law Competitions
Northwestern University School of Law
Chicago, Illinios, USA
22 Birmingham Badger Cull Protest
Care for the Wild
Birmingham, UK
23-27 World Oceans Summit 2014
The Economist and National Geographic
San Francisco, California, USA
23 Neither Man Nor Beast: Partriarchy, Speciesism, and Deconstructing Oppressions
25 World Spay Day
Humane Society Veterinary Medical Society
27 International Polar Bear Day
24-28 Fourteenth Meeting of the FAO Committee on Fisheries Sub-Committee on Fish Trade (COFI-FT)
Bergen, Norway
1 St Albans Badger Cull Protest
Care for the Wild
St Albans, UK
3 World Wildlife Day
UN General Assembly
3-5 International Workshop on Transboundary Enforcement Information Sharing on Wildlife Crime
Tokyo, Japan
9-22 Festivegan
11 Webinar - Launches New Network for Activists
12 Animals and Their People: The Fall of the Anthropocentric Paradigm
The Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Science
Warsaw, Poland
11-22 Animal Law Enforcement Training Academy
Animal Legal Defense Fund
Novato, California, USA
15 Global March for Lions
Campaign Against Canned Hunting
15 Stratford Upon Avon Badger Cull Protest
Care for the Wild
Stratford Upon Avon, UK
17-18 The Science of Animal Thinking and Emotion: Sentience as a Factor in Policy and Practice
Humane Society Institute for Science and Policy
Washington, D.C., USA
18 Lobby Day for Animals 2014
Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (MSPCA)
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
20 Meatout
Farm Animal Rights Movement (FARM)
20-21 Bay Area Speaking Tour on Anti-Wolf Hunt Campaign
Hunt Saboteurs NW
San Francisco, California, USA
22-28 2014 AZA Mid-Year Meeting
Association of Zoos and Aquariums
Memphis, Tennessee, USA
23 Vegan Iron Chef
San Francisco, California, USA
25 Is Animal Sentience Fully Recognized and Understood in Animal Agriculture?
Animal Mosaic - World Society for the Protection of Animals
25-26 The Impact of Regulation EC 1223/2009 on the Use of Animals for Testing Cosmetics (workshop at the Making Cosmetics Conference)
Cruelty Free International
Coventry, UK
28 Demonstration/Protest World Association of Zoos and Aquariums
Save the Blood Dolphins, Champions for Cetaceans, I Love Dolphins
Gland, Switzerland
28-30 Students for Critical Animal Studies (SCAS) 2nd Annual Conference
Students for Critical Animal Studies
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
28-30 The 2014 Northeast Wild Horse Adoption Conference
Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine
North Grafton, Massachusetts, USA
29 Big Cats in Our Backyard
The National Museum of Animals and Society and the International Fund for Animal Welfare
Los Angeles, California, USA
29 Exeter Badger Cull Protest
Care for the Wild
Exeter, UK
29-30 Brighton VegFest
Brighton, UK
30 Veggie Pride Parade
New York City, New York, USA
1-4 International Air Transport Association (IATA) meeting on Live Animals and Perishables Board
International Air Transport Association
Miami, Florida, USA
4 The Meat We Eat: 2014 Forum on Industrial Animal Farming
Harvard Food Law Society and the Harvard Student Animal Legal Defense Fund
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
4 World Stray Animals Day
5 Ensuring Effective Adoptions
Kerala Federation of Animal Protection Organizations
Peroorkada, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
6 Conscious Eating Conference
United Poultry Concerns, Animal Place, Berkeley Organization for Animal Advocacy
Berkeley, California, USA
7-12 European Regional Conference on Goats 2014
Hungarian Sheep and Goat Dairying Public Utility Association
Debrecen, Hungary and Oradea, Romania
8 National Dog Fighting Awareness Day
American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
8-9 International Conference 2014: Assessing the Risks of the Rhino Horn Trade
Outraged South African Citizens Against Poaching
Pretoria, South Africa
9 Purebred Paradox: Disease Risks in Purebred Dogs and the Welfare Implications of Dog Breeding
Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association (HSVMA)
10 Conference on Wildlife Trafficking
European Commission
Brussels, Belgium
10 Critical Animal Studies Academy
Houston, Texas, USA
11 Animal Ethics: Abolition, Regulation or Citizenship
Rutgers School of Law--Newark
Newark, New Jersey, USA
11-13 2014 North American Conference for Critical Animal Studies
The Institute for Critical Animal Studies
Houston, Texas, USA
12 A Celebration of Wildlife
The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals
Calgary, AB, Canada
12 Day of Living Free
Federation of Animal Protection Societies
12-14 New England Fed. Conference
New England Federation of Humane Societies
Stowe, Vermont, USA
13-15 70th Annual Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference
Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Portland, Maine, USA
16 Save Scotland's Seals Tweet Storm
Seal Scotland
Online - Twitter
17 Wildlife Conservation Film Festival
18-21 Zoo Awareness Weekend 2014
Captive Animals' Protection Society
19 Massachusetts School of Law Animal Rights Day
Massachusetts School of Law
Andover, Massachusetts, USA
19 Organizing and Strategy Meeting
GooseWatch NYC
Brooklyn, New York, USA
19 Peaceful Protest of Courtney Brothers Circus
Animal Defenders International and Animal Rights Action Network
Drogheda, Ireland
19 Stop the Badger Cull - Gloucester
Gloucestershire Against Badger Shooting
Gloucester, UK
19-27 World Laboratory Animal Liberation Week
23 Save Scotland's Seals Tweet Storm
Seal Scotland
Online - Twitter
24 Free Film Screening: "Maximum Tolerated Dose"
National Anti-Vivisection Society
Chicago, Illinois, USA
24 World Day for Laboratory Animals
26 Conference on Animal Welfare in Mainland China and Taiwan
Duo Duo Animal Welfare Project
San Francisco, California, USA
26 Truro Badger Cull Protest
Care for the Wild
Truro, UK
26 World Veterinary Day
26 Worthing Day for Animals
All Saints Church Hall
Worthing, UK
27 Northern Ireland Says 'NO' to Animal Cruelty
Northern Ireland Badger Group
Belfast, Ireland
28 Where are we in reducing the use and improving the welfare of lab animals?
Animal Mosaic - World Society for the Protection of Animals
April 28- May 3 27th Meeting of the CITES Animals Committee
Veracruz, Mexico
29 Global Animal Welfare Webinar
World Veterinary Association
30 Save Scotland's Seals Tweet Storm
Seal Scotland
Online - Twitter
2-3 Joint Sessions of the 27th Meeting of the Animals Committee and the 21st Meeting of Plants Committee
Veracruz, Mexico
3 One Million Pibble March on Washington, D.C.
Stand Up for Pits
Washington, D.C., USA
3 Voice of the Orcas in Upstate New York
Voice of the Orcas
Rochester, New York, USA
4 International Respect for Chickens Day
United Poultry Concerns
5-7 4th Annual Animal Cruelty Prosecuation Conference
The Association of Prosecuting Attorneys and Animal Legal Defense Fund
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
6 Debate in Scottish Parliament: Eradicating Raptor Persecution in Scotland
Edinburgh, Scotland
8 The Ghosts in Our Machine Screening with post-film Q&A with filmmaker Liz Marshall
Presented by the New England Anti-Vivisection Society
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
9 Animal Law in the Headlines: Recent Advocacy and Protection Movements
Student Animal Legal Defense Fund University of Washington Chapter
Seattle, Washington, USA
9-10 Elephant Conference - Tanzania
The Governement of Tanzania, the International Conservation Caucus Foundation, and the United Nations Development Programme
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
10 Manifestation Against Intensive Farming and Mega Stables
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
10-11 Scottish Birdfair
The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
South Queensferry, Scotland
12 2014 Discussion Forum on Animal Welfare
Animal Welfare Foundation
London, UK
12-15 Ecumenical Animal Welfare Retreat
Catholic Concern for Animals
Penmaenmawr, North Wales
16 Dublin Live Exports Demo
Compassion in World Farming (CIWF) and Animal Rights Action Network (ARAN)
Dublin, Ireland
20-23 Animal Care Expo
Humane Society of the United States
Daytona Beach, Florida, USA
22-23 Symposium - Remote Sensing for Conservation: Uses, Prospects, and Challenges
Zoological Society of London
London, UK
22 International Day for Biological Diversity
United Nations
23 The Ghosts in Our Machine Screening with post-film Q&A with Liz Marshall
Presented by the Animal Legal Defense Fund
Oakland, California, USA
23 World Turtle Day
American Tortoise Rescue
27 "Death at Seaworld": Examining Killer Whales in Captivity
New York City Bar Committee on Animal Law
29 Registration opens for the Jane Goodall Institute's Summer 2014 Online Course: "Turning Learners into Leaders: Empowering Youth through Service in Education"
Jane Goodall's Roots and Shoots
29 Conference: Should Primates Be Kept as Pets in the UK?
Born Free Foundation
London, UK
29 Oportunidades de Mercado para los Huevos de Pastoreo en Costa Rica / Market Opportunities for Free Range Eggs in Costa Rica
Humane Society International
San José, Costa Rica
May 29-June 1 Association of Field Ornithologists and Wilson Ornithological Society 2014 Conference
Association of Field Ornithologists and Wilson Ornithological Society
Newport, Rhode Island, USA
30 School of Law Roundtable Seminar: Wildlife Law Reform and the Future Protection of Wildlife
Middlesex University School of Law
Hendon, North London, UK
30 Stop the Badger Cull March and Rally in London
The Great Badger Trail 2014 - A 10 Day March from Gloucester to London
London, UK
31 4th Annual National Animal Rights Day - Los Angeles
National Animal Rights Day
Los Angeles, California, USA
31 4th Annual National Animal Rights Day - San Francisco
National Animal Rights Day
Los Angeles, California, USA
31 Why Does the Left Largely Ignore Animal Issues?
United Poultry Concerns
New York City, New York, USA
May 29-June 1 Association of Field Ornithologists and Wilson Ornithological Society 2014 Conference
Association of Field Ornithologists and Wilson Ornithological Society
Newport, Rhode Island, USA
5 First Joint US/China Animal Law Forum
University of Houston-Downtown
Houston, Texas, USA
**Read a summary of the event by WAN's Senior Policy and Legal Resource Advisor
5 World Environment Day
United Nations Enviroment Programme
6 Screening of Redemption: The No Kill Revolution in America
No Kill Advocacy Center
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA (also, more screening dates and locations)
7 March for the Closing Down of all the Slaughterhouses
March for the Closing Down of all the Slaughterhouses
Berne, Switzerland and Toulouse, France
8 4th National Animal Rights Day - New York City
National Animal Rights Day
New York City, New York, USA
8 World Oceans Day
San Francisco, California, USA
9 Advisory Council on Wildlife Trafficking; Meeting
United States Fish and Wildlife Service
Washington, DC, USA
9-13 Animal Welfare and Rights International Conference
Catholic Concern for Animals - Cameroon
Limbe Municipality Hall, Limbe South Cameroon
11 Humane Lobby Day 2014 - Sacramento
Humane Society of the United States
Sacramento, California, USA
11 Pets for Life: Strategic Community Outreach Webmail
Humane Society of the United States
12 Animal Sacrifice, Religion, and the Law: The Practice of Using Chickens as Kaporos
United Poultry Concerns
New York City, New York, USA
12-13 European Forum of Animal Welfare Councils
International Centre for Veterinary Training and Information
Teramo, Italy
14 March for the Closing Down of all the Slaughterhouses
March for the Closing Down of all the Slaughterhouses
Paris, France; London, UK; Sydney, Australia; Toronto, Canada; Los Angeles, USA; Montreal, Canada; New York, USA
17-19 Ad hoc Working Group on the Animal Welfare of Working Equids
World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)
Paris, France
23-27 First United Nations Environment Assembly (addressing Illegal Wildlife Trafficking)
United Nations Environment Programme
Nairobi, Kenya
24-26 Working Group on Animal Welfare
World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)
Paris, France
24-28 National Association of Equine Affiliated Academics 2014 Conference
National Association of Equine Affiliated Academics
Louisville, Kentucky, USA
26 Recent Advances in Animal Welfare Conference IV: UFAW Animal Welfare Conference
Universities Federation for Animal Welfare
York, the United Kingdom
27-30 Taking Action for Animals
Humane Society of the United States
Washington, D.C., USA
28 Bournemouth Vegan Fair
Dorset Vegan
Bournemouth, UK
28-19 Speak for Wolves
Numerous sponsors
Arch Park and Gardniner, Montana
June 28-July 6 5th Annual United Kingdom Week for the Animals
Animal World USA-International
June 28-July 6 5th Annual United Kingdom Week for the Animals
Animal World USA-International
1-3 The 7th International Colloquium on Working Equids 2014
World Horse Welfare
London, UK
1-4 Regional Seminar for OIE National Focal Points on Wildlife
World Organization for Animal Health (OIE)
2-6 Vegetarian Summerfest
North American Vegetarian Society
Johnstown, Pennsylvania, USA
7-11 65th Meeting of the CITES Standing Committee
Geneva, Switzerland
8 The Giraffe: New Perspectives on a 'Well-known' Species
London Zoological Society
London, UK
10-13 Animal Rights National Conference
Farm Animal Rights Movement (FARM)
Los Angeles, California, USA
11-12 2014 Animal Law Conference
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
16 Screening of Redemption: The No Kill Revolution in America
No Kill Advocacy Center
New York City, New York, USA (also, more screening dates and locations)
17-20 Reading Animals
An International English Studies Conference
Sheffield, United Kingdom
19-22 Animals and Humans Together: Integration in Society
International Society for Anthrozoology
Vienna, Austria
21-23 Nonprofit Marketing Conference
American Marketing Association
Arlington, Virginia, USA
21-23 Oxford Summer School on Religion and Animal Protection
Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics
Oxford, UK
25-29 American Veterinary Medical Association Convention 2014
American Veterinary Medical Association
Denver, Colorado
26 2nd Annual Engaging with Eco-ability Conference
Institute for Critical Animal Studies
25-27 Eurasian Animal Rights Gathering 2014
27 13th Annual Pet Rescue Benefit
Barefoot Children of the Fort Lauderdale Parrot Head Club
Oakland Park, Florida, USA
29 International Tiger Day
July 29-August 2 48th Congress of the International Society of Applied Ethologists
International Society for Applied Ethology
Citoria-Gasteiz, Spain
2 Belle Vue Greyhound Demo, Manchester
Greyhound Action
Manchester, UK
2 Rally Against Fox and Stag Hunting in NI
Belfast, UK
5 III Congresso Brasileiro de Bioética e Bem-estar Animal / III Brazilian Congress of Bioethics and Animal Welfare
Conselho Federal de Medicina Veterinária and Universidade Federal do Paraná
Curitiba, Brasil
6 Pets for Life: Building Capacity and Infrastructure for Program Success
The Humane Society of the United States
Online Webinar
10 Hen Harrier Day
Birders Against Wildlife Crime and the North West Raptor Protection Group
Derbyshire, Lancashire, Yorkshire, Cumbria, and Northumberland, UK
10 World Lion Day
Animal Defenders International
12 World Elephant Day
Animal Defenders International
16 International Homeless Animals Day
International Society for Animal Rights
U.S. and International
17 London Vegan Festival
Campaign Against Leather and Fur (CALF)
London, UK
20 Why Meatless Monday? The Impact and Benefits
The Humane Society of the United States
Online Webinar
23 Benefit for Climate March Teach-In
Animal Advocacy Museum
Woodland Hills, California, USA
24-28 9th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences
Alternatives Congress Trust
Prague, Czech Republic
25 Protest of the Bureau of Land Management's Roundup of Wild Horses on Public Lands
Friends of Animals
Riverton, Wyoming
25-29 Regional Seminar for OIE National Focal Points for Aquatic Animals
World Organization for Animal Health
27-29 SAWEN 2nd Annual Meeting
South Asia Wildlife Enforcement Network (SAWEN)
Kathmandu, Nepal
29-31 Badger Trust Annual Conference 2014
The Badger Trust
Nr Newport, S. Whales
1 International Primate Day
Animal Defenders International
1 London Demo for Dolphins - Against the Taiji Annual Hunt and Captivity
London Against the Dolphin Massacre
London, UK
3-5 WAFL2014 - 6th International Conference on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group Level
WAFL (Joint Research Unit between INRA and VetAgro)
Clermont-Ferrand, France
5,6,7 National Weekend of Action Against the AETA
Institute for Critical Animal Studies
Numerous localities in the U.S.
9-18 Terrestrial Animal Health Standards Commission
World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)
Paris, France
11-14 International Animal Rights Conference
11-18 Biennial Commission Meeting (IWC65)
International Whaling Commission
Portoroz, Slovenia
12-14 India for Animals Conference 2014
Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organisations
Jaipur, India
13 2014 California Animal Law Symposium
Animal Legal Defense Fund, Golden Gate University, University of California Hastings College of the Law, Evans and Page
San Francisco, California, USA
13 Elephant: Forget Me Not Exhibit Opening
The National Museum of Animals and Society
Los Angeles, California, USA
13 The Ultimate Vegan Summer Bash, hosted by John Schlimm
Asha Sanctuary
Lewiston, New York, USA
13-14 2014 Vietnam Animal Welfare Conference
Yêu Động Vật and Humane Society International
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
14-16 Second Global Tiger Stocktaking Conference and Sunderbans Tiger Conservation Landscape
Bangladesh Forest Department, Global Tiger Initiative, World Bank, Global Tiger Fund
Dhaka, Bangladesh
15-17 Panel Discussion featuring Dr. Theodora Capaldo (New England Anti-Vivisection Society) on 'How to Ensure Safety Without Animal Testing' at the Cosmetic Compliance Summit
Cosmetic Compliance
New Jersey, USA
16-19 39th World Small Animal Veterinary Association Congress
World Small Animal Veterinary Association
Cape Town, South Africa
17-20 International Plant-Based Nutrition Healthcare Conference
The Plantrician Project
San Diego, California, USA
19 Performing Species: What Can Animal Studies and Theatre/Performance Studies Teach Each Other?
New York University
New York City, New York, USA
19-21 International Equine Conference
Equine Welfare Alliance
Wellington, Florida, USA
20 Protest & Rally to End the Killing of Dogs and Cats in New York City
No Kill New York, Inc.
New York City, New York, USA
20 Workshop: Developing a Practical Knowledge of Draught Animals
World Association for Transport Animal Welfare and Studies
Surrey, UK
20-21 Farm Animal Care Conference
Farm Sanctuary
Watkins Glen, New York, USA
21 People's Climate March
New York City, New York, USA and various locations worldwide
21 Vegan's Hub for the People's Climate March
New York City, New York, USA and various locations worldwide
22-25 2014 Animal Management in Rural and Remote Indigeounous Communities Conference
Animal Management in Rural and Remote Indigeounous Communities (AMRRIC)
Darwin, Australia
22 Civil Disobedience Action for Wild Horses
Friends of Animals
Rock Springs, Wyoming, USA
22 World Rhino Day
23 2014 Climate Summit
The United Nations
New York City, New York, USA
25 Remember Me Thursday: Light a Candle to Save a Life
Helen Woodward Animal Center
Worldwide events
26 Poaching and Illicit Wildlife Trafficking: Towards Joint Action by the International Community
The Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany and the President of the Gabonese Republic
New York City, New York, USA
26-27 Montreal Vegan Festival
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
27 ALDF-LA Animal Law Symposium
Animal Legal Defense Fund
Los Angeles, California, USA
27 (R)evolution des "Objets"(Manifestation a Paris pour une Evolution Signiticative du Statut Juridique de l'Animal)
F.U.D.A. (Forces Unies pour les Droits des Animalaux)
Paris, France
27 The Agricultural Gag Laws - Your First Amendment Rights, Your Health, Animal Welfare, and Our Environment
Yale Law School Animal Legal Defense Fund and the Connecticut Bar Association Animal Law Section
New Haven, Connecticut, USA
27-28 London VegFest
London, UK
28 Betoging tegen onverdoofd ritueel slachten / Manifestation contre l'abattage rituel sans étourdissement (Demonstration Against Ritual Slaughter without Stunning)
Global Action in the Interest of Animals (GAIA)
Brussels, Belgium
28 International Rabbit Day
House Rabbit Society
28 World Rabies Day
Global Alliance for Rabies Control
30 Animals in 3 Dimensions: Biology, Literature, Activism
Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)
Los Angeles, California, USA
30 Chicken Kaporos Demonstration
Alliance to End Chickens as Kaporos
Brooklyn, New York, USA
September 29-October 3 Aquatic Animal Health Standards Commission
World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)
Paris, France
1 Buyer Beware: The Risks and Welfare Concerns Associated with the Fur Trade
The Humane Society of the United States
1 Chicken Kaporos Demonstration
Alliance to End Chickens as Kaporos
Brooklyn, New York, USA
1 World Vegetarian Day
North American Vegetarian Society
1-6 42nd World Veg Fest
International Vegetarian Union
Accra, Ghana
2 Chicken Kaporos Demonstration
Alliance to End Chickens as Kaporos
Brooklyn, New York, USA
2 World Day for Farmed Animals
2-5 Screening of 'The Ghosts in Our Machine'
Ostrava, Czech Republic
4 Animals Matter!
World Animal Day, World Animal Net, Pan African Animal Welfare Alliance
Marches across the world planned by individual organizers
4 Global March for Elephants and Rhinos
London, UK
4 Global March for Lions
London, UK
4 World Animal Day - Get Involved and Show You Care!
Animal Advocates Worldwide
Cheltenham Glos United Kingdom
5 Tous a Rodilhan, pour la 3e fois!
CRAC Europe (Comite Radicalement Anti Corrida pour la Protection de l'Enfance)
Rodilhan, France
5-9 Pathways 2014: Common Futures-Integrating Human Dimensions into Fisheries and Wildlife Management
Colorado State University
Estes Park Center, Colorado, USA
6 National Badger Day
Badger Trust
United Kingdom
6-8 16th International Animal Welfare Conference
Dogs Trust
Istanbul, Turkey
6-17 12th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity
Convention on Biological Diversity
Pyeongchang, Republic of Korea
8-9 Workshop on Dairy Cattle Welfare
Farm Animal Welfare Education Centre
Barcelona, Spain
10-13 Free the Animals Conference: Effective Action Against Vivisection
Stop Animal Exploitation Now!
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
11-12 World Veg Festival
San Francisco Vegetarian Society
San Francisco, California, USA
13-14 Improving Animal Welfare: A Practical Approach
The European Commission
Lyon, France
13-16 21st Annual Meeting of the Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)
Auckland, New Zealand
17 International Cat Conference
Four Paws International and the City of Vienna
Vienna, Austria
17 Living with Wildlife Annual Conference
The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
17-19 Animal Law Conference
Lewis and Clark Law School
Portland, Oregon, USA
18 Screening of 'Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret'
Haarlem, The Netherlands
19 The Vegan Film Festival
The Vegan Society of Aotearoa, New Zealand
Auckland Grey-Lynn, New Zealand
20 Animals in Film: A Discussion with Darren Aronofsky
Animal Studies Initiative, New York University
New York City, New York, USA
21 Screening of 'The Ghosts in Our Machine'
Animal Equality Italia
Rome, Italy
23 Screening of 'The Ghosts in Our Machine'
Die Linse and Roots of Compassion
Munster, Germany
25 Centre for Human Animal Studies Conference and Launch - Animals: Ethics, Sustainability, Sentience
Centre for Human Animal Studies at Edge Hill University
Lancashire, UK
25 National Freeze Don't Shoot March
Organized by citizens
All U.S. State Capitols
25-26 Boston Vegetarian Festival
Boston Vegetarian Society
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
30 Kim Stallwood: 'The Animal Rights Challenge'
Animal Studies Initiative, New York University
Location to be announced
1 World Vegan Day
The Vegan Society
1 Screening of The Ghosts in Our Machine
Firenze, Italy
1 Screening of The Ghosts in Our Machine
Riga, Latvia
2 North East Vegan Festival
Farplace Animal Rescue
Sunderland, UK
3-5 Animal Welfare Symposium 2014: Humane Endings - In Search of the Best Practices for the Euthanasia, Humane Slaughter, and Depopulation of Animals
American Veterinary Medical Association
Rosemont, Illinois, USA
4 Chicago-Kent SALDF PAW Project Screening
Chicago-Kent School of Law
Chicago, Illinios
4-9 COP11: 11th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to CMS
Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals
Quito, Ecuador
4-9 Rehab in the Ring of Fire: The 35th Annual IWRC Symposium
International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council
Victoria, BC, Canada
5 Animal Experimentation and the Law
University of South Carolina School of Law and the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
Columbia, South Carolina
5 Screening of Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret
Seattle, Washington, USA
6 Animal Welfare, Rodeos, and the Law
University of Victoria and Victoria Citizens Against Rodeo Events
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
6 Screening of Cospiracy: The Sustainability Secret
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
7 Protest Against the Taiji Dolphin and Small Whale Slaughter and Captivity Trade
London Against the Dolphin Massacre
London, UK
7 Southeastern Animal Law Symposium
Florida State University SALDF and Petagon International Inc.
Tallahassee, Florida, USA
7-8 Regional Conference on Anti-Poaching and Wildlife Conservation
Arusha, United Republic of Tanzania
8 Atlanta Veg Fest
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
8 Tampa Bay Veg Fest
Tampa Bay, Florida, USA
8-10 2014 International Captive Wildlife Conference
Performing Animal Welfare Society
Burbank, California, USA
10 Screening of The Ghosts in Our Machine
Ballina, Australia
10-17 Nineteenth Special Meeting of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT)
Genoa, Italy
12 Screening of The Ghosts in Our Machine
Lincolnshire, UK
12-14 Regional Seminar for OIE National Focal Points on Animal Welfare
World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)
14-16 Birds, Beds, and Breakfast: A Weekend to Benefit Wild Care Cape Cod
Wild Care Cape Cod
Provincetown, Massachusetts, USA
15 Screening of The Ghosts in Our Machine
Bologna, Italy
15-16 The Harvard Animal Consciousness Symposium
Harvard University
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
15-17 UC Davis Interdisciplinary Animal Studies Research Group 2014 Conference
UC Davis
Davis, California, USA
17 Pot, Pigs, and Prostition: The Harm Principle in the Criminal Law
Osgoode Hall Law School
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
18 Trumpet, Roar, and Horn - Tweetstorm for Elephants, Lions, and Rhinos!
19-21 Hanoi Wildlife Trafficking Workshop
Governments of the U.S. and Vietnam
Hanoi, Vietnam
20 Seminar: Investigating Animal Abuse
Animal Legal Defense Fund and Nebraska Humane Society
Grand Island, Nebraska, USA
21 Animal Abuse Leadership Summit
Baltimore County State's Attorney's Office Animal Abuse Unit
Pheonix, Maryland
21 To the Rescue! New York 2014
The Humane Society of the United States
New York City, New York, USA
21-22 2014 Conference on Issues in Modern Philosophy: "Animals"
New York University
New York City, New York, USA
21-23 Advancing Zoo Animal Welfare Science and Policy Symposium
The Detroit Zoological Society's Center for Zoo Animal Welfare
Detroit, Michigan, USA
23-27 6th East and Southeast Asian Wild Animal Rescue Network Conference
Wild Animal Rescue Netwark (WARN)
Hong Kong SAR, China
24-28 4th Meeting of the Steering Committee of the African Elephant Fund
West Tsavo, Kenya
25 Pledge to go Veg on World Meatless Day
Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organisations (FIAPO)
25-27 International Workshop Sharks: Articulating Experiences and Strategies for Implementation of Species Included in CITES Appendix II
Santa Marta, Columbia
27-28 International Workshop on the Prohibition of the Illicit Trade of Wildlife
Tagaytay City, Philippines
29 National March Against Live Exports
Kent Action Against Live Exports
Kent, UK
30 Congress of the Party for the Animals
Party for the Animals / Partij voor de Dieren
The Netherlands
1-5 Eleventh Regular Session of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC)
Apia, Samoa
2 Where Did Our Compassion Go? Children, Adults, and the Loss of the Human-Animal Bond
Office of Engaged Scholarship, Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership at The City College of New York
New York City, New York, USA
3 Animal Welfare Student Scholars' Meeting
Universities Federation for Animal Welfare
Newcastle, United Kingdom
4-5 Between Apes and Angels: Human and Animal in the Early Modern World
University of Edinburgh
Edinburgh, Scotland
5 Remembrance in Honor of the Animals Sacrificed at Gadhimai
Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organisations (FIAPO)
Jantar Mantar, India
7 Until Every Animal is Free
Direct Action Everywhere
San Francisco, California, USA
8 2nd Global Webinar on Animal Welfare: The Importance of New Technologies to Empower Vets in the Field of Animal Welfare
World Veterinary Association
Worldwide, Belgium time
8 70th Meeting of the Scientific Review Group to the Committee on Trade in Wild Fauna and Flora of the European Commission
The Scientific Review Group
Brussels, Belgium
9 UNEP Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue (with workshop on the illegal wildlife trade)
United Nations Environment Programme
Washington, D.C., USA
9-11 Meeting of the Working Group on Fisheries Management of the Middle-East Regional Commission for Fisheries (RECOFI)
Cairo, Egypt
10 International Animal Rights Day
13 Linking the Struggle for Liberation: LGBTQ and Animal Rights
Direct Action Everywhere
Oakland, California, USA
13 National Day of the Horse
United States
13 Performing Animal Welfare Society 2014 Holiday Open House
Performing Animal Welfare Society
San Andreas California
13 Screening of The Ghosts in Our Machine
Igualdad Animal / Animal Equality
Madrid, Spain
19 Compassionate Actions Project Food Pantry
Compassion Actions Project
Erie, Pennsylvania, USA
24 Screening of The Ghosts in Our Machine
Essere Animali
Ancona, Italy
Past Events 2013
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December

June 27-July 1 Animal Rights 2013 National Conference
FARM Animal Rights
Alexandria, Virginia, USA
1 World Vegetarian Day
2-3 First Asian Rhino Range States Meeting
Bandar Lampung, Indonesia
3-6 41st World Veg Fest
International Vegetarian Union
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
4 World Animal Day
12 Paris Vegan Day
Paris, France
13 No More Homeless Pets Conference
Best Friends Animal Society
Jacksonville, Florida, USA
16 Citizens' Hearing on the Delisting of Wolves
Wild Earth Gaurdians
Denver, Colorado, USA
16 World Food Day
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Rome, Italy
16-20 Wildlife Conservation Film Festival
Wildlife Conservation Film Festivals
New York, New York, USA
17 The Big Earthwatch Debate 2013: Bone of Contention (Debating the need for a legalized trade in elephant, tiger, and rhino parts)
Earthwatch Institute
London, UK
22-23 Global Snow Leopard Conservation Forum
Bishkek, Kyrgys Republic
22-23 Plenary Meeting of the EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Welfare
European Food Safety Authority
24 Understanding the Evolution of the Ontario SPCA
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
25-27 21st Annual Animal Law Conference
Stanford Law School
Palo Alto, California, USA
26-27 18th Annual Boston Vegetarian Food Festival
Boston Vegetarian Society
Boston Massachusetts, USA
28 The Welfare of Dogs and Cats - Building a Europe that Cares for Animals
The European Commission
Brussels, Belgium
International Consortiumon Combating Wildlife Crime (ICCWC)
Nairobi, Kenya
World Wildlife Fund and the Richardson Center for Global Engagement
Washington, D.C., USA
1 World Vegan Day
The Vegan Society
3 Cruelty Free Festival
Sydney Australia
5-6 International Rhinoceros DNA Sampling Training Workshop
South African Department of Pretoria's Veterniary Genetics Laboratory International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime (ICCWC)
Hoedspruit, South Africa
6 Putting Animal Welfare at the Heart of the European Elections
Eurogroup for Animals
Brussels, Belgium
7 Grevy's Zebra Research and Conservation Conference
Kenya Wildlife Service
7 Using Social Media to Build Support for Your Animal Rescue Webinar
Humane Society University
8-14 U.S. Theatrical Release of The Ghosts in Our Machine
Village East Cinema
New York, New York, USA
9 2013 Run Fur Fun 5k
Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
12 Blackfish Q&A with Former Dolphin Trainer Sam Berg
Born Free Foundation
13 "Speciesism: the Movie" Premiere
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
14-19 International Elephant Congress and Ministerial Meet (E50:50)
New Delhi, India
**This event has been postponed indefinitely**
15-21 U.S. Theatrical Release of The Ghosts in Our Machine
Laemmle Theatre
Beverly Hills, California, USA
21 299th Session: Animal Welfare and Education
The European Parliament's Intergroup on the Welfare and Conservation of Animals
Strasbourg, France
21 World Day Against Foie Gras
L214 Ethique et Animaux
21-22 International Animal Welfare Symposium
City University of Hong Kong and Cornell University
Hong Kong, China
26-30 5th East and Southeast Asian Wildlife Animal Rescue Network Conference "WARN 2013"
The Sabah Wildlife Department
Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
28-30 3rd Annual European Conference for Critical Animal Studies: Technoscientific Developments and Critical Animal Studies
Institute for Critical Animal Studies
Karlsruhe, Germany
30 Compassionate Living Festival
Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organizations
Jaipur, India
30 National Fur Demo
The Coalition to Abolish the Fur Trade
London, UK
Nov 27-Dec 3 Week of Action Against Suffering in UK Labs
National Anti-Vivisection Society
The UK
2-4 African Elephant Summit
IUCN and the Government of Botswana
Gabarone, Botswana
3 Raising Animal Welfare Standards at the Time of Slaughter or Killing
Public Policy Exchange
London, the United Kingdom
3-4 Central and South America and the Caribbean regional Workshop on Sharks Listed in Appendix II of CITES
Tamandare, Pernambuco, Brazil
4-6 International Forum on Conservation of Polar Bears and Jubilee Meeting of Parties to the 1973 Agreement on the Conservation of Polar Bears
Moscow, Russia
4-6 International Workshop on the Development of International Guidelines for Forensix Analysis to Identify the Origin and Age of Seized Ivory
Vienna, Austria
5 Round Table on "Combating Poaching and Trafiicking of Endangered Species"
Sommet de l'Elysee pour la Paix et la Securite en Afrique
Paris, France
6-8 Personhood Beyond the Human
Yale University
New Haven, Connecticut, USA
9-14 Wildlife Crime in London Exhibition
World Society for the Protection of Animals
London, UK (London City Hall)
9-14 Second Plenary Meeting of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
Antalya, Turkey
12-13 3rd Annual Central America Wildlife Enforcement Network (CAWEN) Meeting
San Jose, Costa Rica
12-13 International Symposium on Animal Politics: Theory and Practice
Animal Politics Foundation
Istanbul, Turkey
12 Meeting of the "Group of Friends of the Fight Against Trafficking of Endangered Species
New York City, New York, USA
13 National Day of the Horse
Habitat for Horses
United States
16 Public Meeting of the Advisory Council on Wildlife Trafficking
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Washington, D.C., USA
16-18 International Workshop on the Development of Indicators for Effective Wildlife Law Enforcement
Vienna, Austria
17 Invasive Alien Species Workshop
European Parliament Committee on the Environment, Public Health, and Food Safety (ENVI)
Brussels, Belgium
20 UCSF Vivisection Protest
In Defense of Animals and Direct Action Everywhere
San Francisco, California, USA
21 DxE Freeze (Anti-fur Demonstration)
In Defense of Animals and Direct Action Everywhere
San Francisco, California, USA
21 Oceanside Puppy Protest
In Defense of Animals and San Diego Animal Defense Team
Oceanside, California, USA
22 Sea World Protest
In Defense of Animals
San Diego, California, USA
22 Nevada City Fur Protest
In Defense of Animals
Nevada City, California, USA
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
24-27 Southeastern Animal Control Association Training and Conference
Jekyll Island, Georgia, USA
27-30 Taking Action for Animals 2012
Humane Society of the United States
Washington D.C., USA
July 31- August 4 46th Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology
Vienna, Austria
July 31- August 4 46th Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology
Vienna, Austria
Animal Rights 2012 National Conference
Alexandria, Virginia, USA
7 International Day of Action fo South Korean Dogs and Cats
Animal Welfare Institute and In Defense of Animals
Washington, D.C., USA
7-9 7th Annual Bridge to Integrated Marketing & Fundraising Conference
Direct Marketing Fundraisers Association
Washington, D.C., USA
13-16 International Animal Rights Conference
18-22 International Wild Equid Conference
University of Veterinary Medicine
Vienna, Austria
22 Woefstock Festival
Zwolle, The Netherlands
22 D.C. VegFest
Washingotn, D.C., USA
27-31 Summer Course: 'Husbandry of Rescued Primates'
AAP Sanctuary for Exotic Animals
Almere, The Netherlands
28 Wild Horse Symposium
Humane Society of the United States
Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA
29-31 7th International Conference on Fertility Control in Wildlife
The Science and Conservation Center
Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA
22-29 World Week for the Abolition of Meat
27-29 Animal Center Educational Services International Conference
San Diego, California, USA
28 Second Annual Living with Wildlife Conference
The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
4 World Animal Day
4-5 Import and Keeping of Exotic Animals in the EU: Existing Concerns and Risks - Current Challenges to Meet
Federation of Veterinarians of Europe
Brussels, Belgium
19-21 20th Annual Animal Law Conference
Lewis & Clark Law School
Portland, Oregan, USA
27-28 Boston Vegetarian Food Festival
Boston Vegetarian Society
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
6-8 3rd Global Conference on Animal Welfare
OIE - World Organization for Animal Health
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
10 Zwerfdieren Symposium
Stray Animal Foundation Platform
Utrecht, The Netherlands
16-18 India for Animals Conference
Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organisations
Panjim, Goa, India
16-18 Animal Liberation Forum 2012
Cease Animal Torture
Long Beach, California, USA
23-27 Meeting of East and South East Easian Rescue Centres
Wildlife Animal Rescue Network
Taipei City Zoo, Taipei, Taiwan
28 World Compassion Day 2012
Humane Society International
Mumbai, India